Pope reassigned
Published 7:19 pm Tuesday, July 31, 2018
By Diana McFarland
Managing editor
Isle of Wight County Sheriff contender James Pope has been moved to a new job in court services, according to newly elected Sheriff James Clarke.
Clarke said the move was part of his restructuring of the agency, which is not yet complete.
However, any salary adjustments have not yet been determined, said Clarke. {mprestriction ids=”1,2,3,4,5,6″}
The court services division includes working in the courtroom as a baliff as well as manning the front lobby security area, said Clarke.
The reason for the change is to ensure the health of the agency and command staff as well as to best serve the residents of Isle of Wight County, said Clarke.
Pope has served as lieutenant, heading up the patrol division. He has been with the agency for 14 years.
Clarke said the move wasn’t due to Pope running against him for sheriff or his level of physical fitness, which was an issue brought up during candidate forums.
Clarke said Pope was a good deputy and was welcome to apply for supervisory positions in the future, as they arise. {/mprestriction}