Major IW development outside Smithfield proposed

Published 7:13 pm Tuesday, August 13, 2019

By Diana McFarland

Managing editor

An application for a 685-unit development on what is now the Yeoman Farm has been submitted to Isle of Wight County. The plans, which are currently in review with the county planning department, were forwarded to the Town of Smithfield for a courtesy review and input.

The “Sweetgrass” plan for the nearly 250-acre parcel would include 400 age-restricted single-family houses, 285 townhouses and a seven-acre commercial parcel fronting the east side of Benn’s Church Boulevard. {mprestriction ids=”1,2,3,4,5,6″}

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The project also includes a nearly four-acre public park, clubhouse and recreation areas and a dog park.

The application is to rezone the property from rural agricultural conservation to planned development mixed use and is compatible with the county’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan and located within the Newport Development Service District. 

The county’s DSDs are areas set aside for a higher level of development. 

The land is currently forested or used for cropland. 

There are no cash proffers mentioned in the statement provided in the Smithfield Planning Commission packet.

Voluntary cash proffers have been used in the past to offset the cost of development with regards to public facilities, such as schools, fire and rescue and law enforcement. 

A few years ago, Isle of Wight County repealed its proffer policy due to a new state law that put new restrictions on the process.  {/mprestriction}