Elizabeth Ann Boyers

Published 4:18 pm Monday, September 7, 2020

Elizabeth Ann “Liz” Boyers, 91, of Windsor, passed away on Sept. 1, 2020. She was preceded in death by her husband, Chester H. Boyers Jr.; daughter, Julie A Willey; sons, Raymond and Charles Boyers.

She is survived by daughter, Susan E. Stahl, and sons, Chet, Tommy and Ronnie Boyers, as well as numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews; sister, Bonnie L. Votaw, and brother, Lige Lackey.

She was born Aug. 24,1929, on her mother’s birthday. Her grandparents were pioneers in the Oklahoma Territory, and Liz inherited their pioneering spirit. Her family moved to Carlsbad, N.M., when she was 8, and she considered it her home. As her mom didn’t drive, Liz became her chauffeur at the age of 12. It’s possible she didn’t have a driver’s license on that trip to see relatives in Oklahoma at the age of 13, but no mishaps occurred. She didn’t give up driving until old age deprived her of that capacity for independence.

This early role as the person who took care of business defined her for the rest of her life. She grew up in Carlsbad, graduating in 1947. She took herself to Texas Women’s College in Denton, Texas, but interrupted her college to get married. Herschel swept her off her feet and was the love of her life. For him, likewise, no one ever replaced her in his heart. They commenced a 70-year marriage and the creation of a large, well-loved family.

She was a Navy wife, who faithfully followed her husband to numerous duty stations and was all too familiar with the challenges of months apart during deployment. It wasn’t easy, but she herded six kids from military station to military station, including Guam, Washington, D.C., Rhode Island, and finally Virginia.

She carried herself with strength. Although she experienced numerous health issues later in life, she persevered through sheer grit and determination. Always with a smile, never letting others know her pain.

Elizabeth was a loving daughter, sister, loyal friend, hero to some and to all who befriended her, “Mama Liz.”

She loved and was loved.

A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020, at Parr Funeral Home & Crematory. Post condolences on parrfuneralhome.com.

Liz will join her son, Charles, and brother, Jim Lackey, being interred in the Carlsbad, N.M.
Cemetery with a graveside service. Details to be announced.