Congressional candidate profile: Jen Kiggans
Published 1:14 pm Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- Kiggans
Editor’s note: The Smithfield Times, on Aug. 14, sent the following questions to each candidate running for Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District seat. Below are the responses incumbent U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans, R-Va., provided. Responses by her opponent, Democratic candidate Missy Cotter Smasal, can be found here.
Age: 53
Occupation: Congresswoman, prior adult geriatric nurse practitioner
Current or prior offices held: 2nd District Congressional seat, prior state senator (Virginia 7th Senate District)
1. Can you briefly summarize why you decided to run for the 2nd Congressional District seat?
I’m running for reelection to continue providing Virginians with the commonsense, conservative leadership they deserve in Washington. As a former Navy helicopter pilot, Navy wife, geriatric nurse practitioner, and Mom, I pride myself on always putting the mission first and working as a team to get things done by doing what’s right for families and for our country. It’s why I was recently named the 19th most bipartisan Member of Congress out of 435 Representatives and why I always put the needs of Virginia’s 2nd District above all else in Washington.
Two-thirds of the American people think our country has been heading in the wrong direction. I believe that it is possible to right the ship and secure America’s success, but to do so we need to elect serious leaders who focus on getting things done. This leadership is something I strive to exhibit every single day.
2. Who is your political role model, and why?
Ronald Reagan. I’m a big peace through strength girl. It’s why I’ve worked tirelessly to provide our military with the resources it needs to be an effective deterrent on the world stage. Without world peace we have nothing, and without a strong United States we cannot achieve world peace.
Reagan took office during one of the more chaotic periods of recent history, with inflation crushing American families at home and multiple international crises threatening to plunge the world into war. Through his exceptional leadership and American strength-focused policies, he reduced the size of government, stabilized our economy, and turned our military into an effective deterrent.
Our country is in desperate need of similar leadership from the White House today. Unfortunately, the last four years have made our world less safe and proven that this Administration is not up to the task. Our military members and their families deserve much better.
3. Are Virginians in the 2nd District better off now than two years ago? If not, what can be done about it at the congressional level?
Yes; unfortunately, we’re still recovering from the Biden-Harris Administration’s disastrous one party, one rule government that gave us record high prices, a wide open southern border, and global weakness. Our Republican Majority has passed bills to restore energy independence, secure our borders, keep the federal government out of our lives, and restore American strength; unfortunately, these bills are often opposed by the Democrat Senate and White House.
I’ll continue to do in Congress what I’ve strived to do my entire life: lead by example, put the mission first, and work with my colleagues to achieve a single goal, which in this case is improving the lives of southeast Virginians. Representing VA-02 in Congress is truly the honor of a lifetime and a responsibility that I do not take lightly, which is why I work hard every single day to pass legislation that benefits our community, our Commonwealth, and our country.
4. What’s a pressing issue that’s not getting enough attention in Washington?
Quality of life improvements for our Armed Forces. Working on making life better for military families is my passion project. Our military is an all-volunteer force; if you compare the amenities found on college campuses with those on base – and then consider the duties we’re asking our young servicemembers to perform – it’s clear that we have much to improve on.
I had the privilege of sitting on the House Armed Services Committee’s bipartisan “Recruitment, Retention, Quality of Life” task force this past year. After meeting for nine months, we introduced 31 amendments and $5 billion in investments to take care of our servicemembers and their families. We prioritized improvements in pay, base housing, childcare, spouse employment, and mental health services, but we still have much work to do to ensure that members of our Armed Forces experience the quality of life they deserve and are always prepared to “fight tonight”.
5. What if any federal abortion legislation is needed?
As a woman, mother, and healthcare provider, I believe we should approach this issue with compassion, common sense, and consensus. I believe that abortion is an issue that should be legislated at the state level, and that federal tax dollars should not be used to pay for elective procedures. Too often, candidates attempt to polarize this issue, turning a sensitive and personal matter into an attack on their political opponents.
As a lawmaker, I also believe that Congress has an important role to play in supporting and improving women’s healthcare, which is why I’ve proudly supported legislation to protect Americans’ access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), help prevent premature births, and expand access to birth control and contraception. Healthcare should never be a partisan issue.
6. What can Congress do to help southeast Virginia’s economy?
Years of fiscal irresponsibility – particularly during the Biden-Harris Administration’s first two years – have resulted in record breaking inflation and made everyday life unaffordable for too many Virginia families. That’s why restoring economic strength has been a House Republican priority since day one. The best thing we can do for both our local and national economy is continue to cut wasteful spending, rein in inflation, and work to dismantle the Biden-Harris’ Administration’s costly regulatory agenda, which is suffocating Virginia businesses.
I’ve been a vocal advocate for the industries that power our local economy in Washington, including shipbuilding and ship repair, defense, and agriculture and aquaculture. $4 of every $10 spent in the Hampton Roads economy is by the federal government, which is why I’ve worked tirelessly to keep our government running while making the responsible spending cuts necessary to get our economy back on the right track.
7. Will you commit to certifying the results of the 2024 presidential election regardless of who wins?