legals 7-29-15

Published 3:43 pm Thursday, July 30, 2015




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William T. Belvin and STEVE BELVIN, (2015133) has applied for approximately 210 -+ acres of oyster planting ground in James River near Burwells Bay situated in Isle of Wight City/County and described as follows:

North by:         Vacant

East by:           Sterling/Marshall PF19084

South by:         Seacrest, Inc. PF16197 & 16198

West by:          Allen, Jr. PF20395

Lat/Long:        N37-02.4886  W76-38.0100

Send comments or concerns to:

Marine Resources Commission, Engineering/Surveying Department 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607


For more specific application location information call (757) 247-2230






Auction! Please take notice of a public auction for the sale of delinquent or abandoned items in Sawco Self Storage Units 95,133,141,300,345,346,361,377, 426. Auction to be held 10:00 am  August 13,2015 on site at 15111-D Carrollton Blvd., Carrollton, VA 23314. TERMS CASH!





                                      AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN

            Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended, that the Planning Commission of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission in the council chambers in The Smithfield Center, 220 N. Church Street, meeting room A, Smithfield, Virginia, on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. to consider an amendment of the Smithfield Comprehensive Plan adopted November 2, 1999.  The applicants, Mary D. Crocker, owner and Hearndon MC Builders, LLC, prospective owner have requested a change to the Future Land Use Map for the property identified as Tax Map Parcel Nos. 21A-04-030, 21A-04-037, 21A-04-038, 21A-04-039, 21A-04-049, 21A-04-050, 21A-04-051,  21A-04-000E, 21A-04-000F, 21A-04-000G, 21A-04-000H,  21A-04-000H2, 21A-04-000I and, 21A-04-000I12, containing 58 +/- acres.  The current designation on the Future Land Use Map for Tax Map Parcel nos. 21A-04-000I (Split), 21A-04-037, 21A-04-038, 21A-04-039, 21A-04-049, 21A-04-050 and 21A-04-051 is Downtown Commercial.  The current designation on the Future Land Use Map for Tax Map Parcel nos. 21A-04-000E, 21A-04-000F, 21A-04-000G, 21A-04-000H, 21A-04-000H2, 21A-04-000I (Split-zoned), 21A-04-000I12 and 21A-04-030 is Parks and Recreation.  The applicants have requested a change in the designation to Suburban Residential.

            Copies of the current Comprehensive Plan for Smithfield, Virginia, and all amendments thereto, along with copies of the proposed amendment of the Comprehensive Plan for Smithfield, Virginia, are on file and may be examined in the office of the Town Manager at 911 S. Church Street, Smithfield, Virginia..

            Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to the aforesaid amendment may appear and be heard.


                                                            TOWN OF SMITHFIELD


                                                            By:  Lesley G. King, Clerk


Publish: July 29 and August 5, 2015







                                         CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION

            Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended, that the Planning Commission of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission in the council chambers in The Smithfield Center, 220 N. Church Street, meeting room A, Smithfield, Virginia, on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the application of Mary D. Crocker,  owner and Hearndon MC Builders, LLC, prospective owner, for an amendment to the current zoning ordinance to change the zoning classification of certain property from Community Conservation District (C-C) and Downtown District (D) to Conditional Downtown Neighborhood Residential District (DN-R).

             The proposed change in zoning classification to Conditional Downtown Neighborhood Residential District (DN-R) would permit the construction of 151 single family detached residential dwellings on 58 +/- acres.  The property which is the subject of this application is identified on the current Land Book and Tax Maps for Isle of Wight County as Tax Map Parcels.  Said parcels are 21A-04-030, 21A-04-037, 21A-04-038, 21A-04-039,  21A-04-049, 21A-04-050, 21A-04-051, 21A-04-000E, 21A-04-000F, 21A-04-000G, 21A-04-000H,  21A-04-000H2, 21A-04-000I and, 21A-04-000I12 bounded by Grace Street, Cary Street, Main Street and the Route 10 Bypass.

              The current zoning designation for parcels 21A-04-000E, 21A-04-000F, 21A-04-000G, 21A-04-000H, 21A-04-000H2, 21A-04-000I (Split-zoned), 21A-04-000I12 and 21A-04-030 is Community Conservation District (C-C).  The current zoning designation for parcels 21A-04-000I (Split-zoned), 21A-04-037, 21A-04-038, 21A-04-039, 21A-04-049, 21A-04-050 and 21A-04-051 is Downtown District (D). 

            The proposed general usage of the property is for Medium Density Residential development with a proposed maximum density range of 5 dwelling units per net developable acre.  The propose Future Land Use designation for the subject property as set forth in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan is Suburban Residential development with a density range of 3-5 dwelling units per acre.  The applicant has made a concurrent application for a change in the Future Land Use designation which must be approved prior to approval of this application for a change in zoning classification.

            Copies of the current Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Smithfield, Virginia, and all amendments thereto, along with copies of the proposed application for a change in zoning classification and the applicants proffered conditions are on file and may be examined in the offices of the Department of Planning, Engineering, & Public Works, 302 Main Street, Smithfield, Virginia.

            Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to the aforesaid application for a change in zoning classification may appear and be heard.


                                                            TOWN OF SMITHFIELD


                                                            By:  Lesley G. King, Clerk


Publish:  July 29 and August 5, 2015





2208 James River Trail, Carrollton, VA 23314


By virtue of authority vested in the undersigned Substituted Trustee by certain deed of trust dated June 29, 2012 and recorded in Instrument No. 120003143, and Certificate of Transfer in Instrument No. 120003144 and Instrument No. 130004248, among the land records of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, as amended by an instrument appointing the undersigned as Substituted Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and having been requested to do so by the holder of the note evidencing the said indebtedness, the undersigned Substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in front of the Isle of Wight County Circuit Court, 17000 Josiah Parker Circle, Isle of Wight, VA 23397 on:

August 14, 2015


3:00 o’clock p.m.

All that certain lot or parcel of land, with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, situate in the County of Isle of Wight Virginia:


Condominium Unit A, Building 2200, Phase 22, BRIDGEWATER AT EAGLE HARBOR, a Condominium, located in Carrollton in the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia, and as further designated and described in the DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OF BRIDGEWATER AT EAGLE HARBOR, A CONDOMINIUM recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia as Instrument Number 060006585, as amended and supplemented from time to time, together with its applicable undivided interest in the Common Elements, all as more particularly described and allocated in the Condominium Instruments, and further designated as 2208 James River Trail, Carrollton, Virginia 23314. It being a part of the same property conveyed to TRACT 3, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company by deed from Eagle Harbor, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company dated July 12, 2005 and duly recorded July 15, 2005 in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Instrument 050004917.


PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2208 James River Trail, Carrollton, VA 23314


TERMS OF SALE:  Cash or certified funds.  A bidder’s deposit of $5,000.00, payable in cash or by certified or cashier’s check to the undersigned will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale, which shall be applied to his or her credit in settlement, or should he or she fail to complete the purchase promptly, to be applied to pay costs and expenses of sale and balance, if any, to be retained by Trustee as compensation in connection with sale.  Terms of sale to be complied with within 14 days from date of sale or property to be resold at costs of defaulting purchaser. All real estate taxes are to be adjusted as of date of sale.  All costs of conveyancing, examination of title, state and local recording fees, grantor taxes, notary fees, etc., to be at cost of purchaser.  Property sold as is, where is, without any duty of Trustee to obtain possession for purchaser.  Additional terms may be announced at the sale.


FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:  Stephen K. Christenson, P.C.

                                                            Substituted Trustee



                                                            Stephen K. Christenson, President

                                                            4160 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA  22030

                                                                        (703) 591-3445 (VA/15SKC164- Davis/Rasheed)

