Happy with Forbes

Published 6:35 pm Friday, August 7, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times


I am pleased to see Representative Randy Forbes supported the REINS Act to help overhaul Washington’s regulatory process and make it less burdensome on our small businesses. Now that the House has passed this bill, I hope the Senate will not delay in doing so as well.

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Washington doesn’t seem to get much right these days, but it looks like thisbillcould actually make a big difference for local businesses, start ups, and smaller companies. I’m pleased to see my Representative is out front on it. While Rep. Forbes and I may disagree on other issues from time to time, no one can argue with his record of standing up on behalf of small businesses here in the Fourth District. I applaud his efforts and I hope that you’ll join me in showing your support for this much needed legislation.


Sharon Burton