The gig economy
Published 5:18 pm Friday, September 4, 2015
Editor, Smithfield Times
Recently there have been articles in the news media concerning the “gig economy.” I am very concerned about Senator Warner’s stand on this subject. He states the people working in the gig economy do not have a safety net because they do not work in a traditional job. They do not have health or disability insurance or a retirement fund. He, also, states the Federal leaders need to figure out who is responsible for providing and underwriting a new safety net.
Ours is a capitalist form of government. These people are considered self-employed and receive a 1099 from each company they work for. Since they are self-employed, they pay double taxes. They pay the employer’s share and the employee’s share of taxes. They pay the Social Security tax and the unemployment tax. They, like the rest of the population, must plan for their health and disability insurance and for their retirement.
Why do we need to create another government bureaucracy to provide what is already established? These self-employed workers have chosen to take the risk of providing for themselves. We all take that risk, each in our own way. I would consider them entrepreneurs.
Linda Jacob