Continuing a tradition

Published 9:00 pm Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

Isle of Wight County has been fortunate in having outstanding lawyers serve as Commonwealth’s attorney to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth. For the past century, beginning with George F. Whitley through L. Wayne Farmer, the Commonwealth’s attorneys have demonstrated legal competence and county leadership. The last two Commonwealth’s attorneys have been elected judges, which acknowledges their outstanding abilities as prosecutors and lawyers.

Georgette Phillips has served under the last two Commonwealth’s attorneys and has benefited greatly from that experience. The court acknowledged her competence by appointing her as the interim Commonwealth’s attorney until the election. As soon as she announced her candidacy, the Isle of Wight County Bar Association voted unanimously to support of her candidacy.

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Her peers, the Commonwealth’s attorneys for the other jurisdictions in the circuit, and adjacent thereto, recently wrote a letter to the editor announcing their support of her candidacy for Commonwealth’s attorney.

The letters to the editor that I have read supporting Georgette for Commonwealth’s attorney have been very positive, noting her experience, ability, competence and concern for law enforcement in Isle of Wight.

I, too, commend Georgette Phillips to the voters of Isle of Wight County for their favorable consideration of her to succeed and carry on the tradition in Isle of Wight County of outstanding Commonwealth’s attorneys.

H. Woodrow Crook