Pierceville opponent

Published 9:02 pm Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

I hope every citizen of Smithfield took the time to read the lead story in the Oct. 21 Times regarding the proposed Pierceville rezoning & subsequent development. It was a well-written, balanced account of what is taking place.

I have been attending Town Council meetings as well as Council Committee meetings. What I have witnessed is astounding. At the September BHAR meeting, I spoke and respectfully requested an explanation of the process as it relates to the rezoning request and proposed development.

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After the meeting, a Town official angrily told me how offended he was by my request. A taxpayer asking for information is offensive? It is the petitioners’ belief that the Town is not following its own ordinances. No wonder he was upset. I also attended the BHAR meeting this month.

As the meeting progressed, the Committee received instructions to ignore the public opinion. It was stated that our opinions shouldn’t be taken into consideration. Can you imagine sitting in a public meeting and hearing that a Council committee should ignore the taxpayer? Every citizen needs to pay attention to what is happening. I urge each of you to attend the Town Council Public Hearing on Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Smithfield Center.

This public hearing will be about the developer’s request to change the comprehensive land use plan as well as a rezoning request. If these two items pass the Town Council, then it’s almost assured that the development proposal will sail through and the overwhelming taxpayer opposition be damned.

Sharla Braunhardt