Pitt for Smithfield

Published 8:27 pm Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

I tend to remain on the sidelines and keep my opinions close to the vest. Yet, I and fellow Isle of Wight residents are faced with electing a new.

I’m guided by some simple, yet focused, points affecting the county: new business, water costs and potential shortages, roads, school operations and expenditures, the county’s operational costs, growth and demands on the current services, and revenue (taxes) to support operations and projects affecting the county.

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Our next Supervisor must have a positive and responsible business history involving leadership, integrity to do the right thing for all, an eye on the future with progressive planning, ability to make tough decisions requiring the county’s operational performance, and a detailed and methodical approach with common sense in matters affecting the residents. This is a tall order to fill, and by my evaluation we have one candidate that possesses the ability to meet the challenge of being the next Smithfield District supervisor, Mr. Lawrence Pitt. 

I’ve experienced firsthand his pragmatic approach to evaluation of the issues, then finding and shaping the decision for resolution. The Smithfield Times Forum capsulated a critical component of Mr. Pitt being a leader: “He knows how to get things done and understands county issues as well as any individual we know.”

We deserve and need Mr. Pitt as our Supervisor. He is ethical and has the business experience, knowledge and a focus on the future needs of the county. 

George Covington