Pitt for supervisor
Published 8:41 pm Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Editor, Smithfield Times
The next Isle of Wight supervisors will be challenged in making the “right” decision for all. Their experience and performance history are critical points on what they will do when elected.
Electing a Supervisor with the ability to evaluate “all the facts” while remaining impartial remains a critical cornerstone of an effective and progressive leader. A candidate with a diverse and decisive history of management experience is one of several evaluation points to consider in determining who is best qualified.
Lawrence Pitt possesses the historical experience and leadership qualities to lead the county forward. Having direct and repetitive contact with Mr. Pitt on business matters and in a social environment, I’ve concluded Mr. Pitt is the candidate of choice with a sound and diverse performance history to lead Isle of Wight County as our Supervisor. Quoting the Smithfield Times (The Forum, 10/21/15) on Mr. Pitt: “He knows how to get things done and understands county issues as well as any individual we know.”
Mr. Pitt has the “right stuff” of performance, investment in the county, business experience, operational leadership, personal integrity and character to evaluate all the facts, then do it right the first time.
David Stoepker