Williams should stay

Published 8:24 pm Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

I read the article in the Nov. 11 issue titled “Critics insist Williams resign.” I read the letter written to the editor by R.B. and Sharla Braunhardt defending their opinion that Mayor Williams should resign. I also read “In the Short Rows” describing the situation at hand. After reading all of this, my opinion is best stated by quoting “In the Short Rows:”

“Should he resign because of what he said, as has been suggested this week? Absolutely not.”

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Mayor Williams has more heart for the town than anyone I know and he strives daily to maintain the town’s reputation as one of the nicest and safest places to live. This reputation doesn’t just happen; it requires great leadership. Mayor Williams is also humble and praises his “team” — Town Council and town staff — for making Smithfield the town it is today.

Each and every one of us has said something in our lives that we wish we could take back. If only we could hit that rewind button on life. If you stack what he said that created such an uproar next to all of the things he has said and done for the town, perhaps the critics would pause and reflect on the town’s leadership and what makes the town the town that they choose to live in.

Mayor Williams is an honest man with great character. He has done so much for the town and its citizens and he cares so much for the town of Smithfield. He should not consider resigning.

Christy Lewis Archer