Shares writer’s sentiment

Published 9:03 pm Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

Kudos to Reid Lundie of Carrollton for his well written letter in the Times Dec. 23 Forum. He grieves that the county is being robbed of its natural beauty as wooded areas are being decimated, meadows disappear and farmland no longer harbors crops. And to what purpose? Reid conjectures the purpose is to bring amenities and conveniences that, if given the option, Isle of Wight citizens would probably forego.

Drive anywhere in Carrollton or around Smithfield and you will see a new or recent development, be it for housing or shopping. How does it get there? Developers, like vultures, circle the sky searching for the wooded area, meadow or farmland on which to pounce. They seem unstoppable.

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As Reid points out, the Board of Supervisors, past or present, is either unable or unwilling to consider what the citizens want. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say unable. It is hard to buck the almighty dollar.

Currently, Smithfield has its own developers circling what is known as the Pierceville property. The citizens have overwhelmingly said “no” to the proposed development. The efforts of Mark Gay and others to present this sentiment have been chronicled in The Smithfield Times. Will those efforts go for naught?

Willamena Thomas