Suspend all immigration

Published 9:01 pm Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

Any descendants of Troy around that you know of ? Don’t think so ! Have we learned anything from history’s lessons? I think some of my fellow countrymen have not!

There appears to be an infectious ideological blindness rampant among so-called leaders in the “present and would-be” federal administrations. The radical Islamic jihadist is a plague as great as any the world has experienced, I submit. Yes, modern day Attila the Huns.

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Are we a blind society, or do we have people in high places bent on subverting our nation’s security, the very day-to-day safety of our people? Even having taken an oath of office not once, but twice “… to protect and defend against all enemies, both foreign and domestic….”, does Mr. Obama and his ideological supporters push to bring into our USA “those” who come from a group that has done and continue to do great harm. To the logical thinker, this is insanity, unless one is bent on cultural and societal suicide.

For those who rail against suspending immigration of “those” who would possibly “eradicate any and all non-believers”, I say bring them into your abode — and sleep well. 

Frankly, in view of our national security professionals’ estimations of not being able to clearly ascertain who is what as far as being “radicalized” is concerned, suspend (provided for by law) all immigration until such time as a much more effective “clearance” procedure can be developed and instituted. To do otherwise, I submit, is to become the modern day Troy, only this time consciously.

Who says it’s against the law? Check out Title 8, US Code section 1182. Passed by Congress in 1952, and signed into law by President Harry Truman, both of Democrat Party persuasion (patriotic Americans first). It gives executive authority to the President to suspend entry of all aliens or any class of aliens to our country whose entry would be detrimental to our nation’s interests as the President determines. Tough stuff!

Where’s Harry when we need him? Happy “peaceful safe” New Year everyone! Semper Fidelis.

Herb De Groft