Legals 1-20-16

Published 1:53 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2016




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VA ABC Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

2901 Hermitage Rd./ P.O. Box 27491, Richmond, VA 23261




Full name of owner:  Faye Mitchell Young

Trading as: The O Place and Restaurant

6168 Old Stage Hwy., Smithfield VA, Isle of Wight, 23430


The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a Beer on/off premises

license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages.

Faye Mitchell Young/Owner


NOTE:  Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices.  Objections should be registered at or 800-552-3200








Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 to consider for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors the following application:

The application of Accelerated Properties, LLC (Anthony Stile and Joshua Tawes), owners, for conditional zoning of 5.85 acres of land located at 1 Monette Parkway in the Smithfield Election District. The purpose of the application is to change the zoning classification from Limited Industrial (LI) to General Commercial (GC) and amend the permitted uses on the property.


Copies of said application are on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, and are available for public examination.

Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to said application may appear before and be heard by said Planning Commission during the Public Hearing to be held in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The County of Isle of Wight is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  If you will require an accommodation or sign language interpreter to participate in the meeting, reasonable accommodations can be made upon request.  Please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204.


By:    Melinda J. Goodwyn, Secretary




220 Middle Street

 Smithfield, VA 23430

In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $139,707.00, dated June 4, 2007, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for Isle of Wight County on June 8, 2007, as Instrument Number 070003889, at Page 005, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of Isle of Wight County, 17000 Josiah Parker Circle, Isle of Wight, VA on February 12, 2016 at 12:00 PM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: Parcel One: All of that certain lot, place or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Newport Magisterial District, County of Isle of Wight, State of Virginia, known and numbered and designated as Lot #12 in Block ”D” on a certain plat of survey of the property of D.W. Sykes, made by Roy Brinkley, Surveyor, dated December 14, 1943, said plat of survey being duly of record in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Isle Wight, State of Virginia, in Plat Book 2, at page 199, reference to which is hereby specifically made for a more particular description of the lot hereby conveyed. Parcel Two: All of the certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Newport Magisterial District, County and State aforesaid and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the Western line of Lot #11 in Block ”D” on the plat of survey of the property of W.H. Sykes and D. W. Sykes hereinabove referred to; said point being 25 feet South of the Southern boundary of Lot #12; thence running in a Easterly direction down and along Lot #12 to a point, a corner on the lot hereinabove described and hereby conveyed and Lot #13 and Lot #14; thence running in a Southerly direction down and along the line of Lot #14 a distance of 25 feet to a point; thence running in a Westerly direction in a straight line parallel with the Southern boundary line of Lot #12 and 25 feet therefrom to a point in the Western line of Lot #11, to the point of beginning. The said lot being 1/2 of the Lot #11 in Block ”D” as shown on the said plat of survey. Tax ID:  21A-06-D012 & 2106-D011A.

TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $10,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale.  This is a communication from a debt collector. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Loan Type: Conv/Conv (Trustee # 559057)

Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, LLC, C/O Atlantic Law Group, LLC  PO Box 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777-7101, website: FEI # 1074.03429 01/20/2016, 01/27/2016

