A generous offer

Published 9:08 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Editor, Smithfield Times

    At last Thursday night’s Board of Supervisors meeting, the board was presented with a proposition from Mr. Joseph W. Luter III by the town mayor and the vice mayor. Supervisors Rudolph Jefferson and Rex Alphin shot down the proposal without wanting to hear from we the people on the matter. This just proves to me that the old Board of Supervisors still doesn’t get it, nor do they want to hear what we the people think.

    Mr. Luter graciously had already given the town $1 million to build a sports complex for kids. During this past Thursday night’s board meeting, the town mayor and vice mayor presented the following offer. Mr. Luter will give another $2 million to finish the sports complex project if the county gives $250,000. Mr. Jefferson complained that if we can’t find the funds to finish a park project in the Hardy District, then we shouldn’t invest $250,000 of money we don’t have. I’m sorry that no one has stepped up to the plate with an offer like this for the Hardy District, but I will bet if Ms. Seward were the one pushing this, Mr. Jefferson would have gone along blindly.

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    I am grateful that the offer is still on the table thanks to Mr. McCarty and Mr. Grice’s efforts. There are many ways to come up with the money if this is what the citizens want; one being a fundraiser. What’s irritating about Mr. Jefferson is that he feels if his district can’t have a park then, no one else should be able to enjoy themselves anywhere else in the county. I have to wonder if Mr. Jefferson realizes how selfish and very narrow-minded he sounds. I live in the Hardy District, and I don’t share in his views. My kids are basically grown, so we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the new park, but if another part of the county can better itself, I would be very happy for people who need somewhere for their kids to play sports and enjoy themselves. $2 million for $250,000 is a pretty amazing offer you just don’t want to flush down the toilet. I ask your readers to please call their supervisor and tell him to make a motion to put a citizen’s public meeting on the agenda for this cause

Maggie Richards