Letters to the editor – February 17th, 2016

Published 8:19 pm Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chamber support

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    The Isle of Wight-Smithfield-Windsor Chamber of Commerce supports the proposed Joseph Luter Jr. Sports Complex, and has urged the county Board of Supervisors to support this beneficial project with a modest investment.

    The sports complex will have a strong positive economic impact that extends to the entire county, attracting new residents and stimulating future residential development in targeted areas. It will also facilitate tourism growth as the facility could host regional and interstate sports tournaments that draw visitors to dine in local restaurants stay in local accommodations, and shop in local stores during their stay.

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    Andrew Cripps


    IW Chamber of Commerce


Classical music here

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    Strange as it may seem Smithfield, home of popular music and bluegrass events also has an excellent classical music scene.

    This Saturday, Feb. 20, there will be a vocal master class where six aspiring singers will receive vocal lessons in front of the audience from an accomplished voice teacher and vocal performer. This will be an opportunity to see and hear what it takes to become a really good singer. It starts at 10:00 Saturday morning and lasts until noon. Admission is free and it promises to be educational and fun.

Also this weekend on Sunday, Feb. 21,the Sundays at Four series presents a splendid vocal ensemble, The Cantabile Project, who will present a program of food related music entitled “Songbirds Always Eat: a Recital for Foodies!” also at Christ Church. Come prepared to be nourished, musically at the concert and physically at the reception following the program where you can enjoy hors d’oeuvres while you meet the performers

Curtiss Peterson