Letters to the editor – November 16th, 2016

Published 8:27 pm Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sad to see vacancies

Editor, Smithfield Times

I am a Boy Scout from Troop 36 in Carrollton. I am writing to our community because of the issue of the decreased number of privately owned businesses along Main Street. Over the past two years, more and more businesses have left or shut down along Main Street.

I noticed the problem most clearly this Halloween. Barely any businesses had candy or were even inhabited.

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I think this is very sad, and not what Smithfield is supposed to be about during the holidays. I was hoping that our community would be able to endorse new small businesses to settle on Main Street. Perhaps an information square in our newspaper or fliers to put in other towns would help welcome small businesses by saying that we now have plenty of room.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Luke Scrivanich

Reluctant acceptance

Editor, Smithfield Times

Ok, so here’s my soapbox. At 70 years old, Donald Trump has a lot of growing up to do before January 20. He has a lot of work to do to prove to me that he deserves to be in our highest office. He has a lot of work to do to convince me that we/us does not mean all who agree with him, none who don’t. The Congressional majority has a lot to do to convince me that they really are concerned about everyone, not just everyone who agree with them. 

I reluctantly strap in for this four-year wild ride, and hope that we come out relatively unscathed on the other end.

Reid Lundie

Kudos to Westside

Editor, Smithfield Times

I just attended the annual Veterans Day Ceremony at Westside Elementary School. One word — WOW! Local veterans were invited to a breakfast followed by an awe-inspiring program put on by the 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. Congratulations to Principal Marsha Cale and her staff, teachers and students for their wonderful tribute. 

After breakfast the veterans marched through the school to the cheers of students lining the hallways. In the gymnasium we were treated to patriotic songs by the 5th and 6th Grade choirs, the 6th Grade Select Band and the always-beautiful harmonies of The Dempsey Sisters. The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts presented all the flag ceremonies and a special thanks to Lieutenant Commander Colleen Minihan for her keynote address.

We should all be proud that our schools are instilling a sense of pride and patriotism in our students. And thanks to all those who sacrificed and fought for our freedoms!

Gary Parsons

Good works at Mill Swamp

Editor, Smithfield Times

Recently, another Boy Scout and I performed service work at Mill Swamp Indian Horses. We dug ditches for erosion control and cut down trees to clear new grazing areas for horses. We learned about all the good things being done at Mill Swamp for both horses and people, and I would like others to know as well.

Colonial Spanish Mustangs live in Corolla, N.C. and are on the Critically Endangered Breed list of the American Livestock Conservancy. Mill Swamp is the only place where sick, injured or displaced Colonial Spanish Mustangs from Corolla can go. There, the horses live in the wild. Volunteers take care of the horses and train them using naturl methods.

Mill Swamp is also for people. There are youth programs and trail riding. There are programs for veterans returning from battle. To learn more about Mill Swamp Indian Horses and how you can get involved, to their website at www.msindianhorses.com or pay them a visit on Moonlight Road.

Kyle Rutherford

Troop 36

Respect for heritage

Editor, Smithfield Times

I recently received an email from Sentara stating their “holiday” hours. I thought they were referring to Christmas. I was shocked when I realized they were talking about Thanksgiving! I would like to take a moment to share a few thoughts.

The “holiday” they were referring to is Thanksgiving. Please use the proper name for our holiday to remind us to be thankful for this great nation and the gifts God has given us.

Christmas is also — Christmas. Yes, it is a holiday — a Christian holiday.

Please respect our Christian heritage that our forefathers fought hard to win and retain.

Linda Jacob

Ashamed of many

Editor, Smithfield Times

I am a military veteran from the Vietnam era.

I want to say that I am ashamed of this government in which I served and am now living under. I am ashamed of this administration, which has robbed us with lies and deceit. Our children no longer has a future.

I am ashamed of the U.S. Supreme Court that they do not know the difference between right and wrong, moral and immoral.

I am ashamed of Congress, Senate and House, for allowing this to continue. We elect these people to protect us, but yet the dollar cries out louder.

I am ashamed of Clinton knowing she put my security at risk. I am ashamed of the FBI that refused to prosecute her even though they said she was wrong in what she did. It is a fact that rich people can get away with anything while the poor is crucified, double standard.

I am ashamed of the American people what wanted to put such a person in office like this knowing what she has done, ignorance turned to sin. She would do it again.

Last of all, I have grown to be ashamed to be called a veteran knowing that I have wasted my life for a government that no longer cares about its people or its future, only money and control.

This country must have new faces in Washington instead of the ones that continue to keep pie around their mouth.

David Scott

2016 blood donor success

Editor, Smithfield Times

The last and most successful Smithfield Community Blood Drive of the year was held on Thursday, Nov. 12. The Blood Drive had 107 donors sign in. The end results were 89 whole blood units and 18 double red cell units for an outstanding total of 107 units to the local Mid-Atlantic Region; 23 units above the goal of 84 units.

The Smithfield Community Blood Drive for the year collected 523 units. That is simply amazing, a true accomplish for our community’s donors. The bottom line is 1,569 lives in our region received “The Gift of Life” by the donors that come to our Community Blood Drive.

Special “thank you” to our Sponsor, Elaine and Jim Abicht and The Christmas Store for their generous contribution of collectable Pig Ornaments. A Yummy thank you to the Canteen Sponsor, the Johnny Barlow Sunday School Class of Smithfield Baptist Church. Thanks to the Smithfield Union Masonic Lodge #18 for setting up and taking down tables and chairs, and to Trinity United Methodist church for the use of their facilities.

A special thank you and Congratulations to the following first time donors: Lauren Hoy, Patricia Boyd, Lydia Wilson, Rebeckah Wilson and to Judy Sinclair, 3-gallon Goal Pin Award. A sincere thank you to each “Hero” from across the area (and you know who you are) who unselfishly took the time and rolled up their sleeves to donate the Gift of Life and a Big thank you to all the patrons, businesses, and organizations that supported the Community Blood Drive.

Now we all get to start it over again in 2017 with the next Community Blood Drive, always at Trinity United Methodist Church and always on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2017 from noon to 6 p.m. The Sponsor and supporting Canteen will be the Smithfield Women’s Club. We always have fun, seeing old friends and meeting new friends and the great food is always an award in itself; so set the date, join us and donate.

Blood to save lives is needed every two seconds in the United States and our own Mid-Atlantic Region uses 700 units a day. Again, thank you to all our heroes, who make our community proud by taking the time out of their day to donate the Gift of Life, for every unit of blood given will save three lives.

Willie Rountree