Letters to the editor – April 5th, 2017

Published 8:38 pm Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This is no yolk

Editor, Smithfield Times

Regarding Diana McFarland’s article two weeks ago about the county’s approach to chickens. How will citizens as well as county officials be able to identify the “undocumented” chickens? Will the “documented” chickens hold green cards or visas? Maybe we should build a Wall to keep out those “undocumented” chickens so we can protect ourselves from those “bad henbres.” There are some who would “bwok” at the idea, but this is no “yolk.”

Diane Goodwin

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It’s the paper’’s fault

Editor, Smithfield Times

In his March 29 letter to the editor, Bob Waxham admits his arrogance in postulating President Trump’s travel ban is merely payback to the president’s supportive and racist poor white voting bloc. That is not arrogance. That is ignorance, and it is divisive.

I do not blame Waxham as I suspect he is still struggling with Post Trump-atic election dysfunction. However, I do blame the Smithfield Times for publishing his work and thus giving credibility to extremely shallow and divisive thought.

Mark R. D’Etcheverry

Funding priorities

Editor, Smithfield Times

The March 22 Smithfield Times carried several articles expressing the negative effect cutting federal funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program would have. Then, in the March 30 Daily Press, Governor McAuliffe weighed in by blasting just about every budget cut in Trump’s budget proposal including eliminating funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program.

But in that same article, McAuliffe lamented having to cut half of the $10 million the General Assembly wants to spend on a Jamestown anniversary party. Say what! Get a grip. Ten million dollars for a birthday party? If Virginia has that kind of money to throw away, then surely it will be able to pick up the slack should federal Chesapeake funds be cut.

Let me be clear. I am opposed to cutting federal funds for the Chesapeake Bay Program. It is essential that progress made so far be continued, federal funds or not. At the same time, I support Trump’s initiative to get the federal government out of programs it had no business getting into in the first place.

Willamena Thomas

She’s voting for change

Editor, Smithfield Times

On June 13, there is a primary election in our district. After many years of Rick Morris’ hold on our district, we finally have a choice. Rebecca Colaw is a candidate of honor and integrity. She believes in fighting for small businesses, farmers and veterans. In addition, she believes that the government should be run by the people, not special interests; that healthcare is a right, not a privilege; that clean air and clean water are worth fighting for; that Planned Parenthood is about abortion prevention; that refugees are human beings, deserving compassion.

She has served our country in the Armed Forces, has created a small business in our district and cares deeply about the issues facing the people of Tidewater today. Ms. Colaw has repeatedly reached out to the people of the 64th, in face-to-face meetings and on-line, to ask what our concerns are, and what she can do to fight for her neighbors when she goes to the General Assembly in Richmond. Vote for Rebecca Colaw on June 13. If you want more of the same, vote for one of the Republicans. If you want something better, vote for Rebecca Colaw.

Margaret DeTar-Lavallee

Voting for Rex Alphin

Editor, Smithfield Times

First of all I would like to encourage everyone to vote June 13, 2017 in the Primary Election. I will be placing my vote for Rex Alphin to represent the 64th District and the House of Delegates. Rex is a gentleman with high integrity, whom I have known since I was in my teens. He made a very positive healthy impact on my life as one of the youth leaders in our Church.

I personally like that he is a local lifetime resident, who has worked in Isle of Wight County and knows the people he would be representing. He has the political experience from being on the Board of Supervisors that I feel is needed to represent our community at the State level.

Now I will be the first to admit, I did not agree with all of his decisions during his time serving on the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors, but I will say, I have a tremendous amount of respect for the fact that each time I voiced my disagreement with his decisions, he was took the time to listen to my concerns as well as explain why he made the decision he made.

Unfortunately, I cannot say that of all of the Board members and elected officials at the State level that I have contacted over the years. Most of whom did not even acknowledged my emails or letters. Rex, by taking the time, in my opinion shows how much he cares about the people he represents. Please get out and vote June 13 and vote for Rex Alphin to represent the 64th District for the House of Delegates.

R. Lynn Arnette

Endorsing Rex Alphin

Editor, Smithfield Times

I heartily endorse Rex Alphin as candidate for the 64th District of the Virginia House of Delegates.

Rex has acquired a great deal of experience dealing with local, county and state legislation as he has served Isle of Wight County on its Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

Not only has Rex been my longtime friend, but I had the pleasure of being employed by him for a period of three years. In all my dealings with Rex, I have found him to be consistently hard-working, driven, fair and congenial. He is careful with his words and actions and treats everyone with equal respect. His values are sound. He is fiscally conservative and is a responsible steward of other people’s money.

In my discussions with Rex on a wide variety of subjects, I find him to be informed on current local and state issues, constantly researching and talking to the local residents to garner opinions on the topics of the day. I feel this genuine interest in the views of others to be a valuable asset when serving them. Because he is a third generation farmer, he is cognizant of the risks associated with small businesses as well as those who earn their living from the land.

In addition to my endorsement, I would encourage anyone in the 64th District to contact Rex and talk to him. I assure you the conversation will be rich and rewarding.

Mary Sue Rawls

Blood Drive success

Editor, Smithfield Times

It is heartwarming when people come together to help one another. That is why I am proud to announce that the recent Red Cross Blood Drive at Trinity United Methodist Church was a success. Thanks to the efforts of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 49, who sponsored the drive and provided food and volunteers, the March 16 Blood Drive produced 82 donors, 13 deferrals, two insufficient and 10 Power Reds, i.e. Double Reds, to give a grant total of 72 units.

The Mid-Atlantic Blood Services Region is a leading provider of blood services related to transfusion medicine and and serves hospitals in central and eastern Virginia as well as eastern North Carolina.

The American Red Cross depends entirely on volunteer donors and does not use any paid blood donors. This is why is is so important that you support your local community blood drives. Only you can give blood, the gift of life. So, please, all of you wonderful donors and volunteers, keep up the good work. We need you.

The next Bloodmobile will be Thursday May 18 at Trinity United Methodist Church from noon – 6 p.m. Our sponsor will be the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Estelle Jamison
IW Blood Program

Alphin will represent all

Editor, Smithfield Times

I’m writing to ask all residents of the 64th District to support Rex Alphin as our Republican Delegate.

I have known Rex and his family for a long time. He is a outstanding gentleman with good solid Christian morals, a family man, and has been a Supervisor for Isle of Wight County.

I believe we need a Delegate who will get out, knock on doors and talk to the residents.

He believes in the small business that makes our community better. These businesses know the people and will always go the extra mile to help.

I believe God has placed Rex in this position and he will be there to serve each and everyone. I urge all residents of the 64th District to help elect Rex Alphin to the Virginia House of Delegates.

Barbara B.Alexander

Not happy with banks

Editor, Smithfield Times

Thomas Williams reported Thursday that we used a $3 million missile to shoot down a $200 drone and wrote, “No wonder this country is bankrupt!”

He went on to give a bloody bunch of news we do not hear from our boob tube news media. It makes us sick how badly our country has slipped and fallen in our morals, behavior and position in the world! We don’t listen to the news media any longer.

Thomas said, “In 2016, over-draft fees from banks totaled a whopping $33.3 billion in one year and nobody reigns them in!  Banks have NO money. It is our money. We access our money at the ATM and they charge us fees on our own money! This is the madness we tolerate from banks,” he said, “and this … has to stop!  These same people loan our money and then they get bailed out over and over!”

The whole world is under the banksters control! Thomas Williams tells it like it is. For God sake, wake up! Put down that bloody phone and do some research! We are all on the reservation with our poor relatives, the Indians, who live in third world conditions! 

Linda Steffey