Letters to the editor – April 12th, 2017

Published 8:50 pm Tuesday, April 11, 2017

‘Thank you’ Council, but …

Editor, Smithfield Times
Preserve Smithfield sincerely thanks the Smithfield Town Council for its 7-0 vote on April 4 NOT to raze the Pierceville house. We believe wholeheartedly that they made the right decision. We must question, however, the decision not to join forces to preserve the house now.

Many of the citizens who voted for the current council presented great arguments why this 1730s Dutch Colonial house should be saved. Most of these voters asked point blank that the town council save the house. Though the town council has said the decision is because of lack of funds, it appears the council intends to borrow $450,000 for Smithfield VA Events to use building new barns on the Windsor Castle property. New construction should be put on hold when the saving of such an important part of Smithfield history as Pierceville is at stake.

Betty Clark

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Why not riding trails?

Editor, Smithfield Times
A new comprehensive plan is to begin in Isle of Wight County. This is the time to put your suggestions and requests forward to your Planning Commission representative. It first has to go to them before it can go to the board of supervisors.

The county owns over a thousand acres of land that is not being used. No tax income is coming from the properties owned by the county. It would be useful if we, as a horse community, could use that land for trail riding. Horses and horse-related business in Isle of Wight is a multi million dollar industry; all the taxes you pay on your vehicles, trailers, barns, and real estate go into the county coffer, with no benefit to that “exclusive” set that pays the taxes. Why not request some place for us to ride? The plan is being made up as you read this. April and May will wrap up this section of the plan. Comment to your rep while the plan is being put together.

The new and growing bike and pedestrian trail excludes horses. Much money was obtained for this trail, how about multi-use trail that includes horses?

If enough of us are committed to building and maintaining trails here in our home county so we don’t have to pack our trailers and travel to far away designations to ride, maybe we can get allotted land built into the comp plan.

If this is something that interests you, plan to contact your rep on the planning and zoning board soon. Don’t know who it is? Go to the county’s web site, click on planning commission and find who represents your district. This is also a parks and recreation concern, so let them know of your interest, as well. Put them to work for us!

Jane March

They ought to resign

Editor, Smithfield Times
The people in Isle of Wight County should demand the resignation of the commissioner of the revenue and all members of the Board of Supervisors.

We are tired of blunder after blunder that they are making. I am beginning to wonder about their ability to hold office.

The latest blunder (involving machinery and tools taxes) will cost this county a few million dollars just because they saw an opportunity to take more taxes. Where is this money going to come from?

To go and overtax businesses just to get money: Could it be they wanted to build another bike trail, walking path, playground or an outdoor John so it could have their name on it?

People are tired of being overtaxed to pay off the blunders that these people make.

The best thing they can do is resign. Let someone else do the job in the interest of the people of the county and not themselves.

Earl Scott

Voting for Rex Alphin

Editor, Smithfield Times
This letter is in support of Rex Alphin for delegate to represent the 64th District in the General Assembly. I have known Rex all his life and know him to be a man of integrity, courteous and unselfish with his time and talents to help others. We are fortunate to have someone with Rex’s broad knowledge and experience in commercial business and agri-business seeking this position. He has owned small businesses and farmed the land in this district for 40 years.

Rex has served on the Isle of Wight County Planning Commission and six years on the Board of Supervisors. During these years in local government he has demonstrated his ability to work with others to get things done. This skill is necessary in all forms of government. His experience will certainly make him effective as a delegate of the 64th district.

Rex is conservative and will work to ensure spending is controlled. He will work to grow our economy and protect our rural culture.

I will cast my ballot for Rex Alphin in the Republican Primary on June 13 and I encourage you to do the same.

Robert C. Claud Sr.

Alphin is her choice

Editor, Smithfield Times
Greetings to the citizens of the Virginia 64th voting district.

I urge all to meet the candidates in person. This reveals a person’s motivation and sincerity. Then, when you go to the polls to vote, you will be assured of placing the right person into our legislature. My children and I were new to Windsor when we were introduced to an active civic-minded family group. They hosted meet and greets in their homes so Windsor citizens could question candidates in an informal setting.

This was exciting for my children who now had a face to put with a name in the voting booth. Rex and Deborah Alphin were in this core group. Rex has gone on to put his name on the ballot. His face is now among those serving on the Board of Supervisors in Isle of Wight county. Rex has been a calming balm in a tumultuous time in our county. Those that know this patient, thoughtful, contemplative, Windsor-born farmer can be assured he will take these traits with him to Richmond.

Patty Flemming