Class 04-26-17
Published 4:50 pm Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Yard/Estate Sales
207 Irvin Dr. Smithfield – Fri, 4/28 & Sat, 4/29 ALL DAY – Vintage Fisher Price toys, bicycles, collectibles, toddler bed, pack ‘n’ play, softball/baseball gloves, Gymboree, Gap Apr26/1tp/30851
Multi-Family Yard Sale at 205 Barcroft Drive in Smithfield, VA on Saturday, April 29th from 7AM until NOON. Apr26/1tp/30850
Multiple Family Yard Sale – Fri 4/28, Sat 4/29 7:30–2:30 Aspen Woods–Hunter Way Household items, small furniture, tools, clothing, Harley clothing/ road gear, shoes, collectibles, antiques, jewelry, toys, new decorations/ silks, yard items, pictures. Apr26/1tp/30686
MILITARY MOVING SALE 315 Edgewood Dr., Smithfield – Fri 4/28 & Sat 4/29 8am-2pm. Furniture, garage shelving, tools, kitchen items, little boys’ clothing size 6 and more! Apr26/1tp/30807
Real Estate/Land
1 ACRE White Marsh Rd.-2027 sq ft!! 4BR/2Bath open floor plan! Only $209,900. 757-356-0710 June8/tfc/2184
1 ACRE White Marsh Rd.-New construction 3BR/2Bath w/country covered porch $189,900. 757-356-0710 June8/tfc/2184
CBXMODULARS.COM – Low Overhead = Lower Prices!!! Why pay more from the big box companies!!! Come in today to our Smithfield location 757-356-0710 June8/tfc/2184
Lease Or Rent
Wilson Rd. 2BR townhouse $925/month. Available May 1st. Recently remodeled. No pets. $800 deposit. Call 757-342-7437. Apr12/3tc/193
APARTMENT SPACES available in Historic Downtown Smithfield.757-357-3113 Mar23/tfc/1028
OFFICE/RETAIL For Rent in Historic Downtown Smithfield- As low as $425/mo. Including everything or 757-357-3113 Aug8/tfc/1028
2BR Apartment Historic District. Church Street. Appliances included. Off street parking. $1250/month plus deposit. 757-641-9361 Mar1/4tc/2303
For Sale
5 YARDS of clean top soil delivered. $215, 5 yards of fill dirt delivered $125, 5 yards clean fill sand $125. Also available Bush Hog cutting. Call 757-813-1879 Apr5/4tp/30630
1997 Harley Davidson FXDS DYNA CONVERTIBLE motorcycle. Excellent condition. Low mileage. $5500. 757-619-4389 Apr5/4tp/30612
5-piece queen oak bedroom set w/ mattress & boxsprings $900/ double pedestal wood desk file drawers $175/ large oak dresser w/ trifold mirror $300. No delivery. 757-357-7485 Apr5/3tp/30622
Help Wanted
Legal Secretary: Experience preferred. Salary negotiable. Call (757)357-3050 e-mail: Apr26/2tc/1026
Help Available
Private companion aide for seniors. Smithfield/Carrollton area. References available. Hours negotiable. Call Pam. 757-642-2169. Apr26/1tp/30880
Home Improvement
HANDYMAN & REPAIR Work, years experience with Period homes! Please call Bob Lewis at 757-681-1798 Jan11/26tp/29793
HANDYMAN SERVICES, Inc. – Electrical/plumbing repairs, installations. Doorknobs, locks, fence, gate repairs, roof leaks, window glass and screens. Licensed and Insured. Free estimates. Call Larry Williams 757-357-7408. Apr5/13tp/30599
PAINTING, Home repairs/improvements from foundation to roof, handyman services, plumbing repairs, replacement windows, house washing, lawn care. We are your one call contractor. Credit cards accepted. 757-651-5570 Apr5/4tp/30647
Lawn Care
JJ & L LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC – Lawn mowing, edging, weed-eating, hedge trimming and any other yard work. Commercial and residential. Reasonable prices. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. Your lawn is my lawn!!! Call James Young 757-357-5569 or 757-334-0615 Apr5/16tp/30653
APPLE LAWN CARE-Free estimates, reasonable rates, residential & commercial, licensed & insured. Call Ken at 757-236-0200 Apr5/4tp/30621
COMPUTER REPAIRS: Senior Geek. Windows 10 upgrade, Fast affordable, certified. 25 years Exp. YOU CAN TRUST! Direct to your door.757-638-9898 Apr12/4tp/30719
GLENN’S TRENCHING Service and water line installation. No job too small. 757-242-6245 or 757-812-1816 (cell) Mar29/8tp/30529