Letters to the editor – May 31st, 2017

Published 8:03 pm Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Position was way off

Editor, Smithfield Times
Your editorial on the historic district in the town of Surry is completely out of context and your obvious lack of research on the issue is appalling. You mention nothing about our efforts to rehab the Davis Town neighborhood using federal funding and what the impact of an historic district would have on rehabbing a low income neighborhood that is only 50 to 60 years old and in dire need of housing rehabilitation.

There is no need for the county to have to jump through the hoops and incur the expense that this will cause just so the town can have its district. This is the main issue in the board’s opposition to the historic designation.

John Seward
Surry District

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Her friend, Brewer

Editor, Smithfield Times
I have known Emily Brewer for years and she never ceases to amaze me. Every time a problem arises, Emily is there to take the reins and find a solution. Emily is not just a staunch conservative; she is a leader among Republicans, a unifying voice. We need to send someone like Emily to Richmond, someone who will stand up for the good people of the 64th District and fight for our shared values.

Not only does Emily understand the conservative policies that we need in Richmond, she is the only candidate even talking about them. She’s not just talking about policy either. She is offering actual, attainable solutions. Emily is not a politician, and that’s why I know she will work hard for the people not the lobbyists or special interests. I will be voting for my friend, Emily Brewer, in the Republican Primary for Delegate on June 13, and I hope she can count on yours too!

Barbara Tabb
Prince George

Alphin most qualified

Editor, Smithfield Times
I have known Rex Alphin all of his life and his grandparents before him.

I spent many weeks on Thomas Wood Trail (my grandfather’s farm), about a quarter mile from Rex’s family home (Sunset View Farm). I admired the work ethic of his father and uncle keeping their crops free from weeds and the farm well groomed. That work ethic has been passed on to Rex, whether it be farming, business or his several public service positions.

Rex is part of a family with the desire to perform public service (his grandfather served as Windsor’s Mayor and an aunt and uncle served as members of town council).

While serving as vice mayor of Windsor, and Rex as chairman of the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors, we met concerning several subjects. I found him to be knowledgeable, calm, honest and always listening to everyone’s concerns, even when there were a lot of different opinions, Rex would seek the best solutions for everyone’s benefit.

Rumors are circulating that one candidate for the Delegate of the 64th District has received a big percentage of their campaign donations from outside the District. True or not, I don’t know. It would be disappointing to learn that any candidate in the 64th District is being financed from outside sources.

Other candidates may be well versed in one subject (e.g. Education) thru their occupation, but none have the experience of an elected official such as Rex Alphin. His years of service on the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors has exposed him to most issues that he will need to address as Delegate of the 64th District.

His leadership ability and experiences in serving the local government and numerous other boards make Rex the best candidate for Delegate of the 64th District.

Please join me in voting for Rex Alphin for delegate of our District.

Wesley Garris

A Brewer supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
Americans sent a clear and assertive message when they went to the ballot box in 2016, which was a desire for a new conservative direction for our country. We need someone who will be held accountable to the people, someone who is active in the community, someone who will be a leader for our region. That person is Emily Brewer. Emily is the only candidate who has pledged to open an office for constituents to visit with their concerns. Emily is the only candidate who has vowed to hold office hours once a month, open to the public, in each of the seven localities of the 64th District. We need someone who will make themselves available and Emily will do just that.

As a member of the School Board in Prince George, I know how tough it is to be a leader in your community. Emily has the integrity and fortitude necessary to stand up for our conservative values in Richmond. I will be supporting my friend, Emily Brewer, for Delegate in the Republican Primary on June 13 and I hope you will too.

Reeve Ashcraft
Prince George

Voting for Alphin

Editor, Smithfield Times
I am writing this letter to inform you and your readers about Rex Alphin, one of the candidates that is running for the State’s House of Delegates. Somehow people are not always well informed about who they are selecting to represent them on the state level. 

I met Rex, almost 28 years ago. One of the first things I noticed about him was that he was a working man. I was going through a hard time in life and needed someone to talk to that would listen, not to fix my problems, but because they cared. I was not sure who I could trust. Rex spent months helping me to get some stability in life and years after that to check on me to keep me directed.

When I found out he was running for the seat of the 64th district in the State’s House of Delegates, I thought it would be good for people who don’t know him to hear from someone that has gotten to know him and watched a man live life for other people like most people in our society would not consider doing. He is not a man that likes to blow his own horn for people to notice, but if you could see his record in life you would know he runs for this seat as a statesman, not a politician. We don’t hear the term statesman used very often anymore in our society because we don’t have many statesman who are willing to give their time for the good of the people anymore.

I would like to encourage you and your readers to get to know Rex by talking to people about him and if possible find out where he is going to be talking to others and meet him in person. He is a man full of integrity who takes time to listen, with a love for people that is willing to spend his time fighting for the good of the people he is serving. I am not a man interested in politics that would write to serve myself or get kudos for writing a letter to the editor. But I was taught by a good man’s example that it is important in life to help people in ways they may not expect to be helped.

The only way he can serve you and your readers is to get out and vote for him in the primary election on June 13.

Eric Wagner

An Alphin supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
If the constituents of the District value a candidate who possesses integrity, experience, principles and skills, then they should cast their votes for Rex Alphin for delegate in the Republican primary on June 13.

I have known Rex all of his life. He embodies the definition of the phrase, “salt of the earth” which is most often used to describe a person who is of “great kindness, reliability and honesty”. He surely possesses these characteristics and capabilities along with many others needed to represent the people of the 64th District.

Rex has been connected to the rural lifestyle, people and agribusiness of the 64th his entire life. His opponent cannot boast of this. Rex has owned three small businesses, all in the 64th District, and continues to be owner of Sunset View Farm operations, whereas his opponent does not own a business within the 64th District. He has served on the Isle of Wight Planning Commission as well as six years on the Board of Supervisors. His opponent has never served in a local government position. Rex is the only candidate who has run for office and been elected to office.

Rex supports unleashing freedom and free enterprise to create jobs, grow our economy and help small businesses. He vows support to protect our families, our communities and our rural culture, to support education opportunity with parental choice, additional vocational training, stronger K-12 and higher education. Additionally, he supports balancing the state budget, cutting wasteful spending and keeping Virginia taxes among the lowest in our Nation.

Rex has lived in this District all of his life, invested economically in this district, and farmed the land in this District, for forty years. He is “of this time and place” and as brilliant and promising as each and every colorful sunset over the land he farms. He can and will represent us all with skilled leadership tempered with the pride, dignity and grace that he has shown his entire life.

Penny Duke