Letters to The Editor – September 5th, 2018

Published 5:01 pm Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Working together

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Surry County Concerned Citizens’ Association was formed with a goal of “Making Surry County Better” for all citizens. Our citizen members believe that this can be accomplished by providing all citizens an open forum to discuss matters of our community and promoting a unified community.
On Tuesday evening, Aug. 28, the consulting firm supporting the Board of Supervisor in its search for a new County Administrator conducted an open meeting to accept citizen input associated with what skills, attributes, and personnel trades they desired in the new Administrator. They also provided survey forms for citizens to complete. The company has provided an online survey and the County Administration has provided a link on the County’s Website. The link can be found at the bottom of the welcome page under the banner “You Voice Matters!” Please provide your input soon, for the deadline is Sept. 7.
On Wednesday evening, Aug. 29, the Surry County Economic Development Authority (EDA) met to elect new officers, develop new relationships with county citizens, and strengthen working relations with the County. The meeting was very successful, with several Concerned Citizens members attending to support the EDA and provide comments during the open comment period.
The Association meets every fourth Thursday of each month. The Association’s next meeting is on Thursday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. and located at the Dendron Community Center, 2850 Rolfe Hwy., Dendron. Come join us for an open conversation and an opportunity to know one another better
Please join us at the next meeting! Become informed, express your opinion as all citizen voices are important to be heard to Make Surry County Better for us all!
Lara Spain
Surry County Concerned Citizens

Balance is needed

Editor, Smithfield Times As we begin to approach the 2018 November elections, I can’t help but think that what we need as an outcome at the federal level is exactly what happened last year in the Virginia state legislature after the November 2017 elections. We need to bring back balance to the Congress and Senate. Currently both the legislative and executive branches of our Federal Government are controlled by the Republican Party. Their majority is such that it makes it possible for many extreme outcomes from both executive and legislative branches. Examples would be reducing healthcare options, aggressive enforcement of immigration regulations including splitting families, unilateral tariff implementation and rolling back environmental protections, just to name a few. We need to bring back balance to the Federal Government by re-electing Tim Kaine to the Senate and Bobbie Scott to Congress. Extreme legislative and executive power is not what we need. Vote the Democratic party candidates on Tuesday Nov. 6. Joe Puglisi Smithfield

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