Legals 12-05-18

Published 3:27 pm Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, to consider for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors the following proposed ordinance amendment:
An ordinance to amend and reenact the following sections of the Isle of Wight County Code, Appendix B, Zoning: Article IV, Zoning Districts and Boundaries, Part 4, Village Center (VC) District, Section 4002, Permitted Uses; Article IV, Zoning Districts and Boundaries, Part 8, Urban Residential (UR) District, Section 8005, Bulk Regulations; Article VIII, Landscaping and Screening Standards, Section 1008, Landscaping Credits Table; and Article IX, Signs, Section 1006, Permitted Signs. The purpose of the amendments is to correct minor clerical errors identified in the Zoning Ordinance.

A copy of said proposed ordinance amendment is on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, and is available for public examination.
Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to said proposed ordinance amendment may appear before and be heard by the Planning Commission during the Public Hearing to be held in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
The County of Isle of Wight is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you will require an accommodation or sign language interpreter to participate in the meeting, reasonable accommodations can be made upon request. Please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION
By: Melinda J. Goodwyn, Secretary



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Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia, will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission in the council chambers in The Smithfield Center, 220 N. Church Street, meeting room A, Smithfield, Virginia on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the application of Jiyan 2, LLC, owner, for a special sign exception under the provisions of Article 10, Section L. of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia, adopted September 1, 1998, and as amended thereafter, in order to approve a special sign exception to allow replacement of an existing internally illuminated sign with a new sign illuminated with red lights instead of white lights as required under the provisions of the zoning ordinance. The property upon which the sign is to be located is the convenience store located at 841 & 845 W. Main Street (Tax Map #21-01-070F). The property in question is zoned HRC, Highway Retail Commercial and EC-O, Entrance Corridor Overlay.
Any person affected by or interested in the aforesaid application may appear at the hearing and be heard. Copies of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Smithfield and application for this special sign exception are available for inspection in the Department of Planning, Engineering, & Public Works, 310 Institute Street, Smithfield, Virginia 23430.


Lesley G. King, Clerk



PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF SMITHFIELD AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended, that the Planning Commission of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 6:30 o’clock P.M., in the council chambers in The Smithfield Center, 220 N. Church Street, meeting room A, Smithfield, Virginia to consider the amendment of certain provisions of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance is amendment and revision of the following article of the ordinance:

Article, 3.R, Entrance Corridor Overlay District

The proposed amendment affects Sections 3.R..A, C, L, N & O. of the Article and provides for administrative approval of permitted signs not exceeding 150 square feet in area within commercial and corrects an existing error in the text. Copies of the current Zoning Ordinance for Smithfield, Virginia, adopted September 1, 1998, and all amendments thereto, along with copies of the proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance for Smithfield, Virginia are on file and may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning, Engineering, & Public Works, 310 Institute Street, Smithfield, Virginia 23430.
Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to the aforesaid revisions and amendments may appear and be heard.


By: Lesley G. King, Clerk




Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia, will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission in the council chambers in The Smithfield Center, 220 N. Church Street, meeting room A, Smithfield, Virginia, on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the application of Moody Properties, Inc., owner, for a special use permit under the provisions of Article 3, Section 3.K.2.C.10., and Article 6 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Smithfield, Virginia, adopted September 1, 1998, and as amended thereafter, in order to approve the use of the property as a business services and supply establishment with an outdoor storage accessory use in the form of a laydown yard.  Any use requiring outdoor storage, loading, or display within the CI zoning district requires a Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 3.K.2.C.10 of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance .  Specifically, the applicant intends to store trailers, CONEX boxes, dumpsters, excavators, trucks, recreational vehicles, and boats onsite. The property which is the subject of this special use permit application is comprised of four vacant lots on the south side of Carver Ave which are identified as Tax Map Parcels Nos. 21A-02-064, 21A-02-065, 21A-02-066, and 21A-02-067. The property is zoned CI, Commercial/Industrial Zoning District
Any person affected by or interested in the aforesaid application may appear at the hearing and be heard. Copies of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Smithfield and application for this special use permit are available for inspection in the offices of the Department of Planning, Engineering, & Public Works, 310 Institute Street, Smithfield, Virginia.


BY: Lesley G. King, Clerk



Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, December 13, 2018 to consider the following applications:

The application of Sarah Robinson, owner and applicant, for a Conditional Use Permit on a 13-acre parcel with tax parcel identification number 33-01-001 located at 13302 Doggett Lane. The purpose of the application is to allow for a boathouse to be located where there is no existing residence on a property that is zoned Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC).

The application of KS Carrollton, LLC, applicant, and Jack N. Forrest, Jr., owner, to rezone a 1.34-acre parcel with tax parcel identification number 34-01-106B located at the corner of Carrollton Boulevard (Rte.17) and Sugar Hill Road. The purpose of the application is to rezone the subject property from General Commercial (GC) to Urban Residential (UR) to allow for a 12-unit condominium structure.

Copies of said applications are on file in the Department of Planning and Zoning at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex, Isle of Wight, Virginia, and are available for public examination.

Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his or her views with respect to said applications may appear before and be heard by said Board of Supervisors during the Public Hearing to be held in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room at the Isle of Wight County Courthouse Complex on Thursday, December 13, 2018. The public meeting is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m.

The County of Isle of Wight is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you will require an accommodation or sign language interpreter to participate in the meeting, reasonable accommodations can be made upon request. Please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204.



Notice of Public Auction

Friday, December 7, 2018, 10 a.m. at Carrollton Mini Storage, LLC located at 21301 Brewers Neck Blvd., Carrollton, VA 23314. The following Unit B39 / Shelby Hutchinson, will be sold to the highest bidder, CASH only, in order to satisfy the owner’s lien for unpaid rent. Owner reserve the right to withdraw units from sale. Sale is conducted pursuant to VA Statute Chapter 23, Sections 55-416 thru 55-423.
