Letters to The Editor – December 12th, 2018

Published 5:40 pm Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What goes around …

Editor, Smithfield Times
When I was younger and growing up in Newport News, I remember that there was a roundabout at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Mercury Boulevard. We called them “traffic circles” then. There may have been one at the intersection of Jefferson and J. Clyde, but that’s a little fuzzy to me. 
That was a different time. Vehicles were smaller, there were not as many on the road, and I seem to remember drivers being more courteous. Nevertheless, riding around that circle — and worse, driving around it — was terrifying. Folks complained and complained! Finally, the roundabout was replaced and the intersection looked the way it does today.
A few decades later, there are plans to install a roundabout near the junction of the Route 10 Bypass and Business Route 10 on the way to our town.
I am not aging gracefully and I HATE saying, “I remember when…”, but I do wonder about the changes in engineering that are leading to replacing intersections, as we know them, with roundabouts. We shall see.
Molly Lundie

An interest- free loan

Editor, Smithfield Times Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but The Smithfield Times article Wednesday about amending the Smithfield Recreation (SRA) agreement to allow stretching the $300,000 capital repayment over 10 years ($30,000 annually) makes it an interest-free loan. Moreover, discounted even at a mild inflation rate of 2 percent, the payment of 30,000 per year for 10 years has a present value of only $269,478, which is $30,522 (about 10 percent) less than the $300,000 owed.
It’s always customary to account for the time value of money in business transactions. If the SRA is to be spared having to pay interest on the loan, even so, a fiscally prudent and responsible repayment plan would at least have the payments adjusted for inflation. Also, any financial carrying costs borne by the lender for the $300,000 should be passed on to the borrower; otherwise the lender would be absorbing those costs as a gift to the borrower. Just sayin’ …
Dave Goodridge

Open the bike path

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Editor, Smithfield Times The section of the new bike path on Battery Park Road, from the new bike bridge to the corner of Battery Park and Nike Park Roads has been completed, and even the landscaping and grass is done. I would like to see this section opened for use while the rest of the project is being worked. It would be nice to be able to cycle down to the corner and back
Cecil King

Thanks to all

Editor, Smithfield Times
It was raining on the morning of Nov. 30. I made many promises to God that will take me a lifetime to keep! About 4 p.m. the rain stopped and the temperature was in the fifties, perfect for our Smithfield Tree Lighting!
I have so many wonderful people to thank also. First to John and Ann Edwards of The Smithfield Times for loaning their lawn and beautifully decorated Gazebo. Mayor Carter Williams gave a lovely welcome to the crowd and introduced our town dignitaries. Our Christmas Message was delivered by Tommy Reynolds, who so graciously reminded us of the true meaning of the Holiday. Westside Elementary School Chorus, directed by Catherine Blackburn, not only delighted us with their songs, but showed off with choreography!
In this present climate, it seems people have less empathy, love, or concern for community. The lady that our Club chose to honor us this year as our “Tree Lighter” knows only too well of these things. Barbara Stafford, Director of Christian Outreach, is an example for all of us to follow. Thank you, Barbara for honoring us, and all that you do for our community.
Directed by Joel Joyner, surrounding us with Christmas music, was our own Smithfield High School Marching Band and Twirlers, unsurpassed by any!
The Soteria Christian Center Singers filled the air with rhythm and carols that brought the house down! Their harmonizing was warm and welcoming.
Our sound system and DJ Ryan, was perfect from Music Makes You Happy Entrainment, Inc., Chris Rice Owner. Thank you also to Amy Musick Novak, Connie Chapman, and The Town of Smithfield, Zuni Tree Farm, Skip Sharpley, S&B Rentals, Jim Abicht, Sue Plummer (lighting), Christmas Elf: Gail Smith and Kermit, and the Boy Scouts of Smithfield.
A special thank you to The Woman’s Club of Smithfield who sponsored this event, and to our MC, Anita Wyrick President.
Last but not least, thank you to all who attended and made this a “Hallmark Christmas “event!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.
Diane Hill
The Woman’s Club of Smithfield

Will remain out of ‘sync’

Editor, Smithfield Times
In a recent letter to the Editor. it was stated that because Isle of Wight County voted Republican in the recent election, the citizens of this county are out of sync with the rest of Virginia. I am one of those “ out of sync” citizens, thank goodness.
If to be in sync we need to support the Socialism, Communism (which is only Socialism where the government does not have the power to take total control of your property, yet) repealing the Second Amendment, destroying historic monuments, a free wage from taxpayer dollars for those that do not want to work, allow open Boarders and illegal immigration by thousands that taxpayer dollars must support, allow no identification voting, use taxpayer dollars for free higher education for everyone, keep Obamacare, which has decimated heath care for the working middle class who can not afford the high premiums they must pay so others can have cheap health insurance, then I will remain out of Sync.
When Virginia finishes turning Blue, I wonder if we will like the new nickname for the State. I assume it will change from the “Old Dominion State” to something like “The United Socialist Counties of Virginia” we will also need to change the State Flag from the current blue background to a red one to symbolize the Socialist/Communist path the State has taken.
Volpe Boykin