Letters to The Editor – January 30th, 2019

Published 4:31 pm Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Time for compromise

Editor, Smithfield Times
Years ago while working for a global company, one of my colleagues from the headquarters in Europe gave me his opinion of Americans.
It was that Americans are open minded and creative, and quite unique in that regard. Of course, I agreed with him and now more than ever we need to see those attributes in our state and federal government elected officials.
They must work together to reach consensus and compromise and do so in a civil manner. Forget the gloating, taunting and name-calling, and use that American creativity and open mindedness to solve problems in a fair way to all. I am sure it can be done.
Joe Puglisi

Condolence to Beales

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Carrollton Civic League wishes to express its sincere condolence to parents Sheree and Bobby Beale on the loss of their son. United States Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Zachary Beale lay down his life in service to us all. “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down is life for his friends.”
Albert Burckard
Carrollton Civic League

Music competition

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Editor, Smithfield Times
The Smithfield Lions Club announces its annual James A. Bland Memorial Music Scholarship Contest to be held on Saturday, March 9 at 2 p.m. at Hope Presbyterian Church (13490 Benn’s Church Blvd, Smithfield). This is the first rung of an escalating series of contests (local, regional, district and state) sponsored by the Lions Clubs of Virginia culminating in scholarships for music study. This preliminary, local contest is open to youth attending elementary, middle, junior or senior high school (or equivalent home-schooled level) who are residents of Virginia.  Participants may only enter one local contest. For those advancing as far as the state finals, the Lions award scholarships of $2,500 for 1st place, $2,000 for 2nd place and $1,500 for 3rd place. cash awards of $1,000 are given for 4th, 5th, and 6th places to vocal and instrumental finalists.
The state finals are held in conjunction with the Virginia Lions State Convention, this year in Chesapeake. Interested instrumentalists and vocalists may obtain contest rules and applications from Lion Becky Richmond at Smithfield High School, Lion Katie Lemon (lemon2@hotmail.com) or Lion Tim Marinelli (smithfield.lions@verizon.net). Deadline for submitting completed applications is March 2nd.
Finally, Bland competitions are free and open to the public. We invite everyone to come out to hear these gifted young musicians perform!
Tim Marinelli
Smithfield Lions