Letters to The Editor – May 22nd, 2019

Published 3:49 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Smithfield shuffle

Editor, Smithfield Times
Sunday was definitely an “ice cream cone day” and my family and I took advantage. We left the car in a parking lot and walked across Main Street to the Ice Cream Parlor. We had not taken many steps when we realized that there was sticky stuff on our shoes. I remembered a recent Times article and commented on the problem on the road that appeared after the first warm day this Spring.
As we walked along, we saw others who had also discovered the goo on the soles of their shoes. Down to the last person, they were scraping their shoes on the curbs and sidewalks. I believe our town has begun to do The Smithfield Shuffle!
Molly Lundie

Meaning of Memorial Day

Editor, Smithfield Times
What Memorial Day Should Mean to Us.
Memorial Day 2019 will be celebrated on May 27. At one time it was called V-E day to rejoice the defeat of Nazi Germany and end of WWI hostilities. It was celebrated on May 30 up until 1970 when it became another of the Federal Holidays celebrated on a Monday. That change was unfortunate because it often becomes just a mini-vacation to start the summer. We must not forget though, to recognize and honor persons who have died in combat.
I appeal to the Citizens of the Isle of Wight and surrounding area to take time this year to remember family members, friends or neighbors who perished in battle. Each can do that in our own way: a prayer before your picnic dinner, wearing a poppy from local auxiliaries, or visit local cemeteries where flags are emplaced on Veterans’ graves. We are fortunate to have the Albert G. Horton National Veteran’s Cemetery nearby. If you have never visited there, the site of graves with our national colors is sobering and impressive. Locally, graves at St. Luke’s Church will be flagged on Saturday; it is an equally memorable experience.

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Smithfield and the county honor local residents who have fallen in combat. This year we will honor a fallen local hero and first area combat casualty since Vietnam, Sergeant First Class Zach Beale of Carrollton. His family and the Commanding General, US Army Special Operations Command will honor his memory. Please join us at 11 a.m. on Monday the 27th at the Isle of Wight County Veterans Memorial on Church Street in Smithfield.
Regardless of your weekend plans, please take the opportunity to consider the true meaning of Memorial Day and honor those who have given their lives to protect the greatness that is our nation. Robert C. Hannon
Past State Commander, Virginia
Commander American Legion Post 49

Food for thought

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Isle of Wight Christian Outreach Program (COP) needs new and gently read books for children birth through age 12! Each month COP’s Food for Thought Literacy Program provides and encourages its diaper and food clients to select books for their children/grandchildren, to read daily with them, and to establish home libraries. COP’s goal is to empower the futures of Isle of Wight’s children through literacy!
Research shows that in middle income neighborhoods, the ratio of books per child is 13 to 1; however, in low-income neighborhoods the ratio drops drastically to 1 age-appropriate book for every 300 children! Sixty-one percent of low-income families have NO BOOKS at all in their homes for children. COP is working to change this in Isle of Wight.
The single most significant factor influencing a child’s educational success is an introduction to books and reading prior to beginning school. Included in the COP literacy mission is an emphasis on getting preschool books into the homes we serve and encouraging our clients to read daily with their children. We are doing this primarily through our diaper program in which 200-plus monthly clients are enthusiastic to receive the books and anxious to share them with their children/grandchildren. This has become a “good problem” in which we need your help!
The Food for Thought Program solicits donations of new and gently read books for children birth through age 12, and especially preschool books due to this great and welcomed interest. Please help us by cleaning off bookshelves, coordinating book drives, and/or purchasing books to support literacy in Isle of Wight.
Donations can be dropped off at COP (Grace Street in Smithfield) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and at The Isle of Wight Museum.
Thank you!
Beth W. Butner
Food for Thought @ COP

Brewer to visit

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Surry County Concerned Citizens Association will be hosting Delegate Emily Brewer from the 64th Legislative District in a meeting on May 23rd at the Surry Ruritan Club at 6 pm. Delegate Brewer wants to have input from everyone, so please come prepared with questions for her to answer. 
The goal of the Surry County Concerned Citizens is to encourage intelligent and active participation in civic, environmental, educational and economic as well as social welfare thru these meetings. In the year + that we have been active, we have been making a difference!  We are 88 members strong and thank all who have been attending and participating! Please join us Thursday, and on every 4th Thursday of the month! For more information, please email us at SurryCountyConcernedCitizens1@gmail.com.
Laura Spain

Amazing community

Editor, Smithfield Times
What an amazing community we live in! Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary completed our very successful Annual Bucket Fund Drive and Squad Appreciation Dinner this month.
Special thanks to Darden’s Country Store for their continued donations, to the Cock-Eyed Rooster and to Kroger for their kind hospitality in allowing us use of their store fronts. Thank you to our generous community supporters! A heartfelt thank you to each member of the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad that serve the residents of the Town of Smithfield and the County of Isle of Wight.  Cathy Berry