Letters to The Editor – July 17th, 2019

Published 4:29 pm Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A huge success

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Isle of Wight County Historical Society and the Isle of Wight County Museum wish to express their sincere appreciation to all who made our recent program “Indians of the James River’s South Bank and What Happened to Them from 1607 to the Present” such an unqualified success.
Above all, of course, we must commend Dr. Helen C. Rountree, the most influential authority on this subject, for an educational and thoughtful explique of the heritage of our region’s first residents. Regent Bitsy Hallman and the dedicated members of the Colonel William Allen Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution provided light refreshments and the staff of the Smithfield Center did their usual professional best to ensure the event ran with technical smoothness for the comfort of all.
Chief Samuel Bass of the Nansemond Indian Nation brought a contingent from his tribe and members of the local Mathomank Village Tribe contributed much detailed information about their ancestry. Native Tuscarora/Algonquin David L. Perry of Tarboro, NC, jumped in immediately to help manage many organizational details. Smithfield Mayor Carter Williams represented our historic town well when he came to our rescue to help accommodate the number of guests who began to greatly exceed our attendance expectations. He was ably assisted by Lee Duncan and several others who rapidly emplaced an additional 200 chairs to seat the unexpected throng!
We were also especially gratified that so many of our local elected officials and notable luminaries attended the presentation to express their interest in, and appreciation for, Isle of Wight County and regional Indian history. The outstanding quality of Dr. Rountree’s expertise in the subject of our local Indians and what became of them was demonstrated by the many thoughtful and incisive questions asked by our guests following her presentation. We especially appreciated the huge attendance by those interested in learning history who came from all around the Hampton Roads region and the greater Virginia Piedmont area as well as North Carolina. 
Albert Burckard
IW Historical Society
Jennifer England
IW County Museum 

Learning about farming in IW

Editor, Smithfield Times
The Isle of Wight Citizens’ Association, in partnership with the Southern and Central Isle of Wight Citizens’ Group, is pleased to invite the public to an evening of learning from local farmers about agriculture in our county.
Driving along our beautiful country roads, many of us wonder about the crops we see, and the family farms that grow those crops. Several of these farm families have roots in Isle of Wight that are generations deep. How do current world trade events impact them? Which crops do our farmers choose to grow, and why? These and many more questions will be discussed as we meet on Monday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m. at the Windsor Ruritan Club, 14 Community Dr., in Windsor. You won’t want to miss this unique learning opportunity. We hope to see you there!
Lisa Meunier
IW Citizens’ Association

Editor, Smithfield Times

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