Letters to The Editor 09-11-19

Published 4:17 pm Tuesday, September 10, 2019

‘Thank you’ to supporters

Editor, Smithfield Times
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the citizens of Isle of Wight County for their supporting the meatloaf dinner fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 7 at the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad. A special “thank you” to Robin Turner and her staff — Stan Turner, Sheila Stallings and Marsha Lightsey — who catered this delicious meal and donated their time and talents. A big “thank you” to our sponsors and citizens and to area businesses that sold our tickets: The Christmas Store, Hallwood Enterprises, Knox Automotive, The Oaks Veterinary Clinic, Farmer’s Service, Craig Stallings, Stallings & Associates PC, Dave’s Service Center, Pet Paradise, Finley’s General Store, Knox Automotive, Farmer’s Bank (Smithfield), Dennis Allen, Mary Connell and Gail West. I hope that you will support them for their compassion and caring. Also, to Girl Scout Troop #1404 leaders Melissa Jackson and Wendy Reale, and Jessica Owens, Parent and her family for assisting us at the event. My deepest gratitude to everyone who participated, including all the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Members and Auxiliary Members who sold tickets and assisted on Saturday.
The weather was glorious and a sense of community fellowship was felt. Everyone came together for the benefit of a great cause. Thank you!
Sherry Jones
IW Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary

An improper web link

Editor, Smithfield Times
A recent article exposed an improper link from Mr. McCarty’s bio on the county website to his reelection website. I discussed this with an IT professional and a Microsoft field engineer. Their assessment of his explanation was that it was nonsense and technobabble. I believe the Isle of Wight IT Department was tasked to provide a link to his website. Their responsibility was to ensure the link worked. McCarty would have provided the address for the link and he or someone he designated was solely responsible for the content of the site. I have been told that the link was reported to the county attorney’s office some weeks ago and was shared with The Smithfield Times only after it was not resolved quietly.

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This reminds me of the incident that occurred during the debate concerning the correctional facility. When accused of openly endorsing the project on Facebook prior to the public hearings, McCarty’s first explanation was the similarity of his name and his son’s name. When he was later confronted with screenshots, he then stated his Facebook account had been hacked.
Are we to believe that McCarty is trying to deceive us or that he is incompetent? Either is unacceptable from someone holding a position of trust. I no longer live in the Newport District, but after studying the candidates, I encourage people to vote for Richard Gillerlain.
Dick Roberts

Endorsing Rotruck

Editor, Smithfield Times
The IOW School Board recently conducted two poorly defined studies concerning the future of Hardy Elementary School. One study recommended renovation, and the other recommended replacement. During a previous board’s tenure, still another study recommended combining Hardy with Westside Elementary. Our tax dollars paid for all these studies. All three options could have been compared had they been included in one well-defined and less expensive study. It seems the School Board does not know the proper questions to ask. Now Chairperson Vicky Hulick wants the School Board to have taxing authority. This would allow the School Board to tax and spend without asking the approval of the Board of Supervisors or anyone else. Ms. Hulick is up for reelection, but she has a challenger who would bring a more prudent and experienced voice to the office. I urge all Newport District residents to vote for Lawrence Rotruck for School Board.
Gayle Gillerlain