Letters to The Editor 10-02-19

Published 4:20 pm Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Supporting Gillerlain

Editor, Smithfield Times
I support Rick Gillerlain for supervisor Newport District. He is a conservative and has proven his concerns for all of Isle of Wight, serving four years on our planning commission. His concerns for all of our county as an advocate for every district, going to each place and listening to voters and taking their opinions into consideration before voting on any issue. All this good work and not being a “yes man” earned him a dismissal by McCarty.
We need a conservative person on the board to keep our budget and taxes under control. An example is the “Bike Trail,” which if ever finished, will cost as much as a new elementary school and raises for our underpaid teachers and police. This was and is an outrageous and unnecessary expense and showed poor judgment by our board. Spending taxpayer dollars should only be for absolutely needed projects. We have no surpluses for things like this and it will cost us all higher taxes.
I also believe his experience as a retired engineer and conservative would stop these kinds of expenses. He would address and solve the water problem for our county where people in Newport District are paying obscene prices for water.
I am certain that, if elected, he would save us millions of dollars and serve as the voice of the people. Vote for Rick. He is best man for all of Isle of Wight.
Buzz Bailey

On sign vandalism

Editor, Smithfield Times
As many people know, there was an incident Friday night, Sept. 20, involving the vandalization of some of Sheriff Carlos Turner’s campaign signs. Let me say how disappointed I was to hear that this took place and I applaud Sheriff Turner’s quick thinking and actions to apprehend the vandal. I am relieved to hear that no one was hurt during this incident and extend my sincere congratulations to Sheriff Turner and the Surry Sheriff’s Department for a job well done.
That being said, I would like to clear up any possible misunderstandings regarding the incident. I would also like to share my beliefs on the events that transpired.
First, as a candidate for sheriff I am aware that accusations have been thrown at a possible involvement of me and/or my campaign supporters in this incident. Trying to connect the actions of the accused assailant with me and my campaign is unjustified, unnecessary and unfounded. I hope that we as a community can realize that these are the actions of one person. The defendant will have his day in court, because that is how our democratic system works. I trust that the system will do what it was created to do and, if he is found guilty, punish him to the full extent of the law.
Second, I do not condone or support any actions of this individual. The man in question has committed acts that reflect radical beliefs. He is in no way a representation of me or my beliefs and is no way affiliated with my campaign or anyone associated with it.
I am personally disappointed that he felt the need to vandalize signs in this county. These signs represent democracy. They represent citizens’ choices in this election and the sacred values of the first amendment. When the accused decided to violate that, he was arrested, charged and will have his day in court. Again, I applaud Sheriff Turner for his quick action and hope that if something of this nature happens again to any signs, regardless of the candidate, the sheriff and his office will continue to pursue it.
R.M. “Rocky” Barbee

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