Letters to The Editor 10-09-19

Published 5:10 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Time for a new team

Editor, Smithfield Times
The decision by the Surry Board of Supervisors in the October meeting approving the nomination of the County’s previous Administrator, Mr. Tyrone Franklin, to the Economic Development Authority as the Surry District Representative shows the current Board has reached the end of its ability to make responsible decisions for our county.
Economic Development is critical to Surry’s sustainability, and approving a member that already had 17 years to improve the economic development of the county with minimal results is a strong sign that change is needed. The Surry voters need to help the county move forward and vote for board members that bring enlightened and effective decision making to the Board of Supervisors.   Just as the farmer rotates the crops for optimal production, it is time for Surry voters to rotate the long-term board members off the board. When the tires on your vehicles wear out, you replace them. Many board members have served for over 20 years. Let’s thank them for their service and now bring in a new team that recognizes that the county needs sound financial decisions, open communications, and healthy economic growth.  Surry County Voters, let’s get out and vote on Nov 5 to ensure we will have a bountiful future for generations to come.
Dianne Cheek

McCarty All the way

Editor, Smithfield Times
Last week I read a letter by former Supervisor Buzz Bailey and was quite alarmed at his continued misinformation and foolishness. Mr. McCarty did not remove anyone for not being a “yes” man. In fact, a Planning Commissioner is appointed for a four-year term. That is it, it is in the code. There is no mention of a re-appointment at all.

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Secondly, Mr. McCarty showed that he pays attention to the entire County when he was the decisive leader that listened in the Department of Juvenile Justice case that came to Isle of Wight County.
Thirdly, Mr. McCarty has supported our schools and teacher raises as well as provided for five additional deputies for Newport District alone. Mr. Bailey is patently false and the misinformation that he and the one he supports is spewing is horrific and no one should believe anything they say. Unbelievable!!
Does this community really want to take Buzz’s word for anything? Mr. Bailey voted for the bike trail, which Mr. McCarty inherited from his board and the previous one. Period. Mr. McCarty and the current Board, which should remain the same, has found millions of dollars, spent wisely and led the way for a sound fiscal position for our County. We need someone that has common sense, financial background, is educated in the right fields and knows how to talk to people and not down to them. McCarty all the way — again.
Jimmy Baines

No more growth

Editor, Smithfield Times
In last week’s Smithfield times I read there is 3,560 new residences planned for the north end of the county (Carrollton mainly), and I for one don’t want further expansion in Carrollton! I moved from Newport News to Carrollton seven years ago to get away from the crime, gangs and drugs of the big city and now the big city problems are following me to Carrollton!
Let me make this perfectly clear to my county supervisor, William McCarty. Further expansion is not wanted in Carrollton, nor do we north end residents want Carrollton Boulevard widened to six or 7 lanes or Smith’s Neck Road widened to five or six lanes. We also don’t want a toll put back on the James River bridge, which we’ll no doubt be told is needed to pay for maintenance due to the increased traffic flow.
In short, Mr. McCarty, if you’re so out of touch with your constituents that you don’t already know this, I don’t want you representing me on the Board of Supervisors.
Bob Goodin

Re-elect Hulick

Editor, Smithfield Times
School Board Members can play a critical role in advocating for and supporting the growth of our schools and Vicky Hulick has done this since her election to the Board.
Vicky has three children attending Isle of Wight schools, and not only does she attend all of their activities, but she supports all activities at county schools and their communities.
She works to help solve any issues that might come before her and constantly takes calls from parents and community members.
A few of the accomplishments of the School Board since she has been a member are:
Teachers have received raises every year; Bus Drivers received a more than 15 percent raise and Instructional Assistants have received a 5 percent raise and another 5 percent planned for next year; a reading program that helps all students in elementary school reach their individual goals; a strong school security program and new equipment to keep our schools safe; live streaming of meetings so that it is more accessible for the public; a maintenance plan for all Isle of Wight schools, something they have never had; the development of a good communication with the Board of Supervisors and other elected officials as well as a strong relationship with local businesses that have helped support the schools with manpower and equipment.
As I said, these are just a few accomplishments of our School Board and Vicky Hulick has been a big part of them.
I urge you to place your vote Nov. 5 in the Isle of Wight School Board election. Re-Elect Vicky Hulick. Our schools need her!
Deborah S. Vaccarelli
Battery Park

Backing Edwards

Editor, Smithfield Times
It gives me great pleasure to represent Dr. Timmie M. Edwards, who is a candidate for Smithfield Board of Supervisors for the Nov. 5 election. Timmie has demonstrated that he is a hard and dedicated worker in the public and private enterprise system. His campaign slogan is “New Leadership for a Brighter Future.” From his continued investment in business and education, he has dedicated his achievement to helping others realize their dreams. He is a dedicated businessman who owns two businesses in the town of Smithfield — businesses that are ranked high in terms of longevity in providing service to our local citizens.
As a board member, he will add his input to establishing a protocol for replacing aging buildings, saving finance money, stabilizing the increase in taxes, promoting fairness in job opportunities, strengthening property rights and working to improve water quality while providing a more transformative experience for our citizens. These are a few of his concerns.
As the former mayor of the town of Smithfield for 19 years, I have seen generations of candidates seeking and holding office. In my truthful judgment, I recommend Timmie M. Edwards as an excellent candidate with the potential to serve the citizens in a dedicated, fair and honest manner. He has shown leadership qualities, a mild mannerism, accountability and the ability to work through problematic situations and maintain the loyalty of those who he is supporting.
He reminds me in spirit and drive of my legacy as one who wants the very best for Smithfield.
James B. Chapman

Voting for McCarty

Editor, Smithfield Times
Although I haven’t known Pastor William McCarty for very long, I’ve been going to Healing Waters Worship Center for about two months. I can tell you that out of the short time I’ve known him, he is a man of integrity and transparency. He is not someone who only “talks the talk”, but someone that leads by example as well. He takes time to listen and genuinely cares for anyone that comes his way.
I can say that he never speaks as though he is better than anyone. For example, when he preaches and speaks, he relates the issues and problems that everyone faces to his own life and experiences. I admire him very much for his willingness to be so open and try and relate to anyone he can in hopes of helping them. I support Pastor McCarty wholeheartedly. I believe that by the example he has set as the shepherd in our church, he is exactly what we need in this county.
Hallie Norton

A Hulick supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
As an employee of Isle of Wight County schools, I have been very impressed with the work that Vicky Hulick has done for the schools, employees, and students. When I have contacted her with questions or concerns, I always get a direct, honest answer. If she doesn’t know something Mrs. Hulick takes the time to find out and replies promptly. 
Since she has been on the school board, I have personally noticed many improvements to our schools both with the physical buildings and the curriculum. The entire interior of Carrollton Elementary has been painted. We have had security cameras installed inside and out. Our playground has more than doubled in size. Classrooms are getting new furniture. Our parking lot and recess blacktops have been repaved and painted. We now have STEM and Coding classes.  Our new reading program gets more books in the hands of students at home and at school. I look forward to seeing the students I work with and my own children being able to participate in the exciting, out of the classroom CTE programs.
We are getting a NEW Hardy Elementary and not continuing to patch the old one. Mrs. Hulick is still fighting to get a replacement school built for Westside Elementary. 
As a friend of Vicky Hulick, I see how hard she works. I know how often she is in meetings. How many phone calls and emails she gets each day. How long it takes her to personally respond to each one. How much she truly cares about the job she is doing and the people she represents.  I am thankful for her dedication and proud to say I voted for her 4 years ago and will be voting for her again this year. I hope you will too.
Susan McDermott Waibel

Voting for Edwards

Editor, Smithfield Times
This is a letter of recommendation. It is based on professional and personal knowledge, having lived in the community over 40 years and having taught school here over 36 years.  Timmie Edwards should be elected to the Board of Supervisors for the Smithfield District.  I started working with Timmie Edwards in the late 1980s. He was an Assistant Principal and Athletic Director at Smithfield High School. I was a teacher and a coach. Over the years, I have been consistently impressed by his commitment, decision-making and consistency. Not only was he innovative and deliberate, he was considerate and fair. These qualities came back to mind the other day when we discussed how we experienced 9/11 together.  Smithfield and the county will be adding a tremendous asset to the Board as we face the challenges ahead — challenges that Timmie Edwards will meet with professionalism and innovation for the community he loves. Please vote. Thanks.   Jerry Tenney

Political signage

Editor, Smithfield Times
I want to say a big thank you to all the individuals who have allowed me to place my campaign signs outside of their houses or businesses in advance of the School Board election on Nov. 5. Many undoubtedly consider the signs an eyesore or an inconvenience to mow around, yet these individuals realize the importance of our democratic system and have gone out of their way to support it.
I’d also like to thank John Settle, the Community Development and Planning Director for the Town of Smithfield. He and his staff have picked up a few of my signs over the last couple of weeks when I’ve put them in an improper location, and he’s gone out of his way to make sure I get them back, as well as graciously answering my questions about how to properly locate them in the future. I know there’s been debate about signage in the public right of way in town lately, but Mr. Settle has been nothing but professional and helpful.
Matthew Thomas

McCarty supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
I am writing to support William McCarty for re-election in the Newport District board of Supervisors. I am not sure why anyone would want to serve in public office because of all the craziness they go through and the little pay that goes along with it. If they do the job that we elect them for, then there is a lot of time and effort put forward that most citizens never quantify. Not to mention the many regional commissions that they have to serve on to represent us.
Mr. McCarty takes time to dig into the issues, ask questions and find solutions for the county. I believe we are in good hands with him and the entire board of supervisors as they stand right now. This county needs their solid leadership and the integrity and work ethic that Mr. McCarty and others provide. Vote McCarty on Tuesday November 5th.
Connor Osborne

McCarty listens

Editor, Smithfield Times
“Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego, others over self.” Dean Jackson.
In describing a man like William McCarty, this is where I would start. Mr. McCarty is a listener of the people. Whether it be in his office at the church, that he has pastored for over twenty years, to the local Food Lion, to the silver truck where he can be seen on the phone on a regular basis, Pastor McCarty is always willing to attend to anyone, anywhere at any time. His ear is attuning to the other person who might be sharing their family issues with him, or their problem with a county ordinance, or their thoughts about local government.
He may not always agree with the other individual on the other end of the line, but he is always willing to hear them out. In attending to the individual through listening he is gaining further perspective on the situation, offering advice, a comforting word and even putting the needs of the whole above the wants of a few. A person who listens is the kind of person you want as a friend, a spouse, a pastor and a representative in local government. William McCarty is that listener.
Amanda McCarty