Letters to The Editor 10-23-19

Published 4:12 pm Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Souper success

Editor, Smithfield Times
By all accounts Souper Saturday and Hog Jog were once again a cooperative success! I want to especially thank Becky Farmer, who took the reins when a family emergency prevented me from attending this year. We at Christian Outreach would like to thank all of our volunteers, supporters and participants in making these annual events so fruitful. We truly appreciate our wonderful community for their efforts and continuing support. Thanks to everyone who helped us to help others.
Cris Lawrence

A parting ‘thank you’

Editor, Smithfield Times
To Mr. John Edwards, editor, thank you for giving us endless opportunities to express our opinions. I know no other newspaper that would let so many citizens speak at length any time they wanted. You made freedom of speech real. Your community and citizens are better for your tenure. And thank you for your public example of decorum. Nothing is more important.
We have had true Americana, the way it is supposed to be, and at the same time a dream, and all has been taken for granted. Only now do we begin realizing how special and wonderful our little corner of the world has been. Thank you, Sir. Your teachers would be proud. Special regards. We will miss you.
Thomas Finderson

Careful selections

Editor, Smithfield Times
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, there are several very important elections taking place in Isle of Wight County. These elections will determine who will have a seat at the table at both the Board of Supervisors and School Board. The individuals elected to these seats wield awesome power in that they are invested with the authority to shape the direction of both the operations of our great county as well as the future of our children.

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First, I ask you to vote in your respective district. The candidates have worked hard to get their message out and deserve our attention. Secondly, I ask you to pay very close attention to their motivations for running. Public office is truly a sacrifice. One should be running not for self-gratification or personal pride. One should not be running to place themselves in a position to settle some petty squabble that may have occurred in the past.
One should be running purely for the desire to make this great county better for our citizens, be they students or adults. In the next several days prior to the election, take time to ask the candidates the hard questions as to their motivations, and ideas for the future. One can then be in a position to make the most informed decision. The future of our children and county depend on it.
Steven G. Bowman

Enthusiastic supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
Re-elect Vicky Hulick for the School Board! I say it with enthusiasm and pride as a resident in the Newport District of Isle of Wight County who sees the tough but solid decisions our school board has made during her tenure. School boards are the unsung heroes of our society as they seek to forge a bright future for our children and nation—all while balancing difficult funding realities over which they have limited control.
There are so many success stories in our Isle of Wight County schools that are a direct result of Vicky Hulick’s leadership: from STEM programs to updated security in the schools, to the CTE program — all of them benefited from her engaged and transparent leadership. She spends the time to be accessible, to listen, and to analyze using the best data available. That kind of dedication is not just commendable, it is rare; and, our county is flat out lucky to have her in such an important role. Let’s continue to forge a powerful and forward-thinking future for our children by re-electing Vicky Hulick to the School Board!
Lisa Meunier

For sensible gun legislation

Editor, Smithfield Times
Election Day is coming. Keeping our communities safe is the most important task we give our state legislators. After Virginia Beach, it saddens us and many others that gun violence is still seen as an us vs. them, partisan issue. Being safe in our public spaces is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It’s not a hunters vs. moms issue. We can preserve our Second Amendment rights and reduce gun violence at the same time. However, our General Assembly has refused to work on any gun safety legislation. Party-line votes by Republicans prevented common-sense measures from even being considered.
All Virginians — and Democrats, moms and hunters, moms who are hunters — mourn when gun violence takes innocent lives. More than 70 percent of us support universal background checks and red-flag laws. Our legislature should follow the will of the people and institute these common-sense measures that will save lives while preserving Second Amendment rights.
In House District 64, our candidate and proud gun owner, Michele Joyce, believes there is no contradiction between bearing arms and protecting lives. Conversely, incumbent Emily Brewer is a member of the Republican majority, which stonewalled protective measures that could have saved those in Virginia Beach.
Come Election Day, we must choose our candidates based not on party lines but on their commitment to common sense solutions and public safety. Along with many of our friends and neighbors, we will be voting for Michele Joyce in HD-64. We encourage readers to vote for candidates who can see beyond us vs. them, and provide a safer future for us all.
Pete Buelow
The Rev. Peggy Buelow

Supporting Thomas

Editor, Smithfield Times
I write in support of Matt Thomas’ desire to serve as a member of the Isle of Wight County School Board. I have known Mr. Thomas for a number of years, as our children have participated in some of the same extracurricular activities. During this time, I have come to appreciate his willingness to volunteer, serve, and to seek leadership opportunities on behalf of the families and children in this county.
As an educator (former principal of Westside Elementary School), I will also share that I have been impressed by what I have heard from Mr. Thomas during his campaign. The issue of equity is an area of focus for the Virginia Department of Education, and Mr. Thomas is genuinely concerned about working in the best interest of all students. Whether it is working to address the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers, or working to ensure all students are college, career, and life-ready prior to graduation, Matt Thomas is the clear choice to represent his district on the Isle of Wight County School Board. 
John Caggiano

Supporting McCarty

Editor, Smithfield Times
Concerning Isle of Wight’s political campaign, Supervisor William McCarty truly represents county citizens. If he perceives the majority of citizens feel one way, he will go against his own opinions. Rare! I have never seen this trait before so evident in our supervisors. You always have a chance.
McCarty attends the Carrollton Civic League and Isle of Wight Citizens Association meetings monthly, making himself available to citizens and reporting to them. Despite being a fulltime pastor, he has made being a supervisor a fulltime job and broader position than in the past.
In May, he recognized senior citizens at a large senior event at his church, Healing Waters. Recently, he honored Isle of Wight first responders at the Nike Park. He set a trash pickup example with the Smith Neck trash pickup earlier this year. Hence, there is now a move to pick up Rt. 17, Brewers Neck, Smith Neck, Titus Creek Drive and Sugar Hill trash. He aspires to be a comprehensive public servant.
S&P raising Isle of Wight’s credit rating to AA+ is much the result of his spending countless hours on the county budget over several years, finding money hidden in county accounting. Our tax rate remains at 85 cents. This is a real tribute to hard work, and part of the reason for the S&P upgrade.
We are fortunate to have a young Supervisor McCarty in Newport District dedicated to doing the right thing for Isle of Wight County and lucky, the way the world is, that he is even running again.
Thomas Finderson

Voting for Hulick

Editor, Smithfield Times
I will be voting for Vicky Hulick for re-election to the IOW School Board because of her dedication and commitment to improving the educational experience of all the students in IOW public schools.
In her first term she went from board member to chair and worked closely and effectively with the school administration and the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors. Together they expanded the curriculum to include more technical education courses, established a maintenance schedule process for all school facilities enhanced security and many other accomplishments. At the same time, they were able to increase pay for teachers and their assistants in a meaningful way.
All of this was done with the recognition that cost effectiveness was of utmost priority, resulting in a flat budget in one of the years. An impressive first term for sure, and I feel fortunate to be able to vote for Vicky Hulick for IOW County School Board in the Newport District on Nov. 5.
Joe Puglisi

Choose Gillerlain

Editor, Smithfield Times
I’ve known Rick Gillerlain for five years. He was the man in charge of the James River Shores Road Maintenance. He and his wife Gayle, have been a great asset to our neighborhood. He really listens to his neighbors when handling the road maintenance.
His experience and education make him really suited to be on the Board of Supervisors, with a BS in mechanical engineering, registered professional engineer since 1983 and served Isle of Wight as certified planning commissioner for four years. He was employed as a mechanical engineer for DOD for 35-plus years. We need a technical member on the Board of Supervisors.
Rick has been listening as he went door-to-door around the Newport District. Folks are upset with the multi-mega housing projects. The growth of people moving into the Northern end of Isle of Wight has caused a real problem with all the schools being over-crowded as well as the roads. My grandson just graduated this past June at Smithfield High School and has said the classes and hallways are extremely crowded. Carrollton Elementary needs extra wings added to accommodate students. Rich knows there is an imbalance between housing projects and schools. Money has been wasted on Bike Trails, Norfolk Water deals, etc. which could have funded a new Hardy Elementary, Westside Middle and Carrollton Elementary schools.
Rick wants to keep taxes low, keep country roads two lanes, keep building down and schools less crowded and repaired. He will be the one board member who will truly represent his voters in the Newport District. He will listen!
His wife Gayle was an elementary school librarian and published author of children’s books. Together they attend Harvest Fellowship. Rick Gillerlain and Gayle are pro-life too.
Let’s wake up and choose a qualified candidate. Rick is retired and can devote all his time as a supervisor. Rick listens, he will work hard, and is a gentleman with a love for Isle of Wight County. Be smart, vote Rick Gillerlain this November 3rd. It is time for a change that really matters!
Lucy Wayno

A Hulick Supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
Isle of Wight County School division is very fortunate to have Mrs. Vicky Hulick running for re-election for the School Board. Mrs. Hulick has consistently demonstrated her commitment and dedication to the quality of education for all students, and she has advocated for students, parents, teachers and administrators. 
So much has been accomplished over the past four years, and she is ready to take what she has learned and resume using her role to bring about continued school improvement.
We have seen high quality professional development for teachers and administrators, a strong focus on literacy, particularly in early grades, model Career and Technology Education (CTE) programs with state of the art facilities built in our division, policies reviewed and brought up-to-date, raises for teachers, administrators, and other employees to attract the best to our school division, school accreditation for all of our schools, and so much more.
Studying data, working with school administrators and community members, and teaming with the Board of Supervisors has been her role when looking into rising student population at the northern end of the county. She is excited about the progress made and the possibility of two new elementary schools.   
Mrs. Hulick understands the importance of teamwork and has worked to develop positive working relationships with our Board of Supervisors by attending their meetings, keeping the lines of communication open, and willingly answering school-related questions. Whether it be the school budget, construction of new schools, or rezoning, Mrs. Hulick is quick to seek out answers to questions and communicate quickly and effectively.   Mrs. Hulick values the opinions and concerns of those she represents. She is quick to share concerns with leadership and get necessary answers. She replies to emails, answers phone calls and interacts with our school communities effectively. Her Facebook posts demonstrate her pride for our schools and provides up-to-date information.  I enthusiastically support Vicky Hulick for the Isle of Wight County School Board.
Jackie Carr

Supporting Thomas

Editor, Smithfield Times
We are writing in support of Matthew Thomas for Isle of Wight County School Board. Matt has been an active volunteer at Hardy Elementary, Westside Elementary, and Smithfield Middle Schools. He has shown his willingness to jump in where needed and doesn’t shy away from hard work. When he commits to something he sees it through and holds himself accountable. Matt has been on the Parent Advisory Committee for several years and has first hand experience with the Isle of Wight County School’s Special Education and Gifted Education.
Matt will bring a level head and objectivity to the Isle of Wight County School Board. He is able to look at the big picture when making decisions. He is open to discussion and debate, he shows consideration for all sides, and can be decisive without bias. Matt Thomas is a lifelong learner. He will approach the challenges of our school system with dedication and responsibility. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to let him commit to our schools, teachers, and children.    Laurie and Justin Lowery

Time for a change

Editor, Smithfield Times
I like to look at the facts first, before I make a decision. Department of Education documents that the IOW school division SOL results for the 2014-2015 school year, the year before Mrs. Victoria Hulick became the Newport District School Board member were : Reading – 82, Writing – 80, History and Social Sciences – 90, Mathematics – 85, and Science – 85. The most recent SOL results for the division are from the 2018-19 school year, the year that Mrs. Hulick was the IOW School Board chair show the SOL results are: Reading – 80, Writing – 78, History and Social Sciences – 80, Mathematics – 83, and Science – 83. Notice that there has been a decline in each and every subject despite hundreds of thousands of dollars that Mrs. Hulick has approved for Dr. Thornton to spend for professional development, which have showed negative results.
In the Oct. 16, The Smithfield Times article titled, “Isle of Wight, Surrey schools accredited” stated the following: While all three Surry County Public Schools qualified for accreditation under the new Virginia Department of Education guidelines, rolled out in 2017, Isle of Wight County had several school that didn’t,  but were awarded accreditation based on a waiver from the department. Schools’ spokesperson Lynn Briggs said that Virginia schools that received accreditation standards three years in a row prior to the roll out automatically receive accreditation until 2020 under the waiver. This means that IOW is only accredited on what they did before 2017 instead of what they did last year. The article also stated, if one or more of the school quality indicators fall into Level Three, that school doesn’t meet current accreditation standards, which one of those schools is Carrollton Elementary, which has two Level Three findings. In fact seven of the nine IOW schools have at least one Level Three finding.
Mrs. Hulick has had her day. It is time for a change.  The person for that change is Lawrence Rotruck.
Patricia Teal

Heart of a servant

Editor, Smithfield Times
I enthusiastically support the reelection of Vicky Hulick to the Isle of Wight County School Board. It has been a pleasure to get to know Vicky these past several years and also to see her serving our community in this position.
An elected official must have the heart of a servant. Vicky does have this heart. I see this in her visits to the schools and school events in the area. She is always very attentive to the students asking on their wellbeing and also their learning at the school. In visiting with students at events, she is quite curious about their project or creation and has a true conversation with them about their success. I also see her servant heart when she has listened to school administrators and teachers, as well as parents and students, describe the need for more STEM — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — education. She has greatly encouraged and supported the growth of coding and other STEM related classes and activities in schools especially at the critical elementary school level.
Vicky conducts herself in a way that never seems rushed. Her schedule is non-stop as she moves between School Board functions, volunteering in the community, service at her church, and precious time with her family. When someone asks her a question or requests a moment of her time, she focuses on them and their concern.
Being an elected official is not easy as not everyone will agree with you all of the time. Vicky has such grace about her. She agrees to disagree when needed and is respectful and encouraging to all I have seen her interact with in her role. Such modeling of effective leadership and responsible discourse is a something I want our young citizens to see in our elected officials.
It is with strong conviction I ask for Vicky Hulick to be re-elected so that she may continue the good work that she has started and foster further growth of our young citizens and our community. Please vote for Vicky Hulick for Isle of Wight County School Board on Nov. 5.
Angela Gibson

Voting for Hulick

Editor, Smithfield Times
I know Vicky Hulick from her volunteer work at Trinity United Methodist Church and I am familiar with her leadership on the Isle of Wight County School Board.
During her tenure on the School Board, teachers have received a 5 percent raise, bus drivers have seen an increase in salaries of 15 percent, and instructional assistants have seen their salaries go up 5 percent. She hopes this trend continues with another 5 percent increase.
She has worked with other board members to assure parents of a strong school security program and has also been responsible for adding new equipment aimed at keeping our children and buildings safe.
Vicky has worked tirelessly to implement an updated maintenance plan for all our schools, and she has a long-range plan that accounts for growth in our area and equity in all our facilities.
In addition to instituting a new reading program for all children in our elementary schools, Vicky has worked to bring coding and STEM programs to our schools. A Career & Technical Education program has been put into place that benefits hundreds of students.
takes parent and community members’ questions to heart and works to solve problems in real time. Her communication skills also extend to cooperating with the Board of Supervisors and other elected officials of Isle of Wight county government. The county administrator remarked that because of the flat budget turned in by the School Board, a tax increase was avoided.
With three children of her own in county schools, Vicky is a familiar face at all county schools where she visits on a regular basis. She hopes to work toward more accessibility and transparency to the School Board by live streaming its meetings.
Electing Vicky Hulick to another term on the School Board will assure that all our schools continue to provide excellent programs for our students. Her strong leadership will extend the progress that has been made in school safety, technology and national accreditation.
Maye Hayes Jepson

A McCarty supporter

Editor, Smithfield Times
I am writing to continue to support Pastor William McCarty for re-election to the Board of Supervisors in Carrollton or Newport District. Pastor McCarty has worked to keep our taxes from sky rocketing! As a senior on a fixed income, I believe he has looked out for our County and has since he was first elected. Our taxes have not been raised. I believe it was his plan that cut 25 percent from the stormwater fee, which helped all citizens.
He has fostered the plan that allows us to be able to participate live in the Board meetings each month and he genuinely listens and takes the time to do so. He is very educated but never thinks he is the smartest person in the room. Our community is very happy with him and all he does and if anyone is going around saying otherwise, they are misleading people. Pastor McCarty continues to be the right man for Isle of Wight. Join me and keep a good man with a solid integrity and work ethic in office fighting for our county.
Grace Baines

For transparency, vote for Rotruck

Editor, Smithfield Times
One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, used to make decisions after he made a list of the pros and cons of a particular subject and then weighed out the value under each heading. For our two candidates, let us use this time measured method for the subjects of transparency, trustworthiness, and accountability. Let’s start with Mrs. Hulick and the School Board approved minutes for Dec. 13, 2018. The minutes state that the Carrollton Elementary DDC Retrofit Contract and the Carrsville Elementary Gym Window and HVAC Replacement contract, has not been signed by the Board (which both contracts were over $100,000) and although all procurement procedures were followed to align with policy, we are bringing it to the Board for a vote. Later it was discovered, Dr. Thornton had signed both of these contracts in violation of IOW policy DJA – Purchasing Authority and almost four hundred thousand dollars had been spent by the IOW division, all without knowledge or approval by the School Board. Finally, on December 13, 2018 the School Board signed the contracts after the work had already been completed.
Instead of telling the truth to county citizens, that procurement procedures had been violated by Dr. Thornton for both contracts, Mrs. Hulick as the IOW School Board Chair and who sets the agenda, decided to cover this up and protect the Superintendent.
How many other things has she kept from the IOW citizens? Mr. Rotruck said during his presentation at the Sept. 12, 2019 meeting that Mrs. Hulick and the School Board have never reviewed the schools’ crisis plans for the past four years. If you want the truth, vote for Rotruck!
Lester Frisse

Supporting McCarty

Editor, Smithfield Times
Like common sense, integrity is very hard to come by. These are two characteristics that are a part of who William M. McCarty Sr. is. I have witnessed him in difficult situations and having to make hard decisions where emotions could have clouded his judgment. Yet he always does right by the people involved regardless of his opinion or wellbeing. He is the embodiment of what a public servant should be. Honestly, I think a few could learn from his strong example.  There are not many who can cling to such an admirable character while still forging ahead to help their community grow and mature. I have been very impressed with the improvements Mr. McCarty has brought to the Isle of Wight, especially the technological advancements and fiscal responsibility throughout the county. I appreciate Mr. McCarty’s hard work and dedication. I look forward to seeing where he leads the Newport District and IOW county during the next term.
Shannon Thomas

A Slap in the Face

Editor, Smithfield Times
Surry Supervisor John Seward recently nominated Tyron Franklin, prior Surry County administrator, to the Economic Development Authority of Surry County and the supervisors approved the appointment with only Michael Drewry opposing the move.
This action by Mr. John Seward and BOS majority approval is a slap in the face to the citizens of Surry County. During Mr. Franklin’s administration the EDA met only a few times and not at all between 2014 and June of 2017. During the latter period of his administration, Mr. Franklin also served as the EDA secretary/treasurer. The BOS, when possible, bypassed the EDA in county economic development insuring that the only development was that which the BOS desired while the town of Surry and the county declined.
In early 2017 the newest member of the BOS, Michael Drewry, pushed to have the EDA reconstituted and meeting again. At this time Mr. Franklin was serving as the county administrator and he was also serving as the EDA Secretary. At the first meeting in June 2017 Mr. Franklin presided over the meeting because the EDA did not have duly elected Chairman or Vice-chairman; however, all actions taken by the EDA Directors at this first meeting had to be negated because not all the EDA members had been sworn in as required by the Code of Virginia.
The appointment of Mr. Franklin is the final action this year that Mr. John Seward has taken to return the EDA to a nonfunctioning County Authority put in place in 1974 by the then BOS tasking the EDA to function in accordance the Code of Virginia. His first action was the failure to appoint a replacement representative for the Surry District.
The appointment of Mr. Franklin is not only a slap in the face of county citizens but is a significant conflict of interest that was approved by a majority of the BOS. Mr. Seward should immediately withdraw Mr. Franklin’s appointment.
Robert Chandler

Rotruck for change

Editor, Smithfield Times Lawrence Rotruck is the candidate for positively changing Isle of Wight School Board’s leadership void. Rotruck walks the walk and talks the talk that fellow Board members will understand because he has been there recently and knows the improvement in leadership on the Board that’s needed.
Rotruck’s military experience as a leader under difficult circumstances makes him eminently qualified for the School Board, along w/ the fact his experience as teacher, an SHS department head and Director of Athletics give him insight to our education system’s inter-relationships. And, unlike his opponent, he understands the management/employee relationship with the Board’s employee.
Success in life has always demanded a depth of character which Rotruck exhibits. Those who can reach inside themselves and draw on an inner strength fortified by strong values always carries the day against those who do not exhibit the traits of objectivity, loyalty, independence of thought, fiscal integrity and acceptance of responsibility demanded in this position. Rotruck can be depended upon to have the courage to face up to the challenges and not falter in times of stress and lobbyists pressure, always having as his focus on “what’s best” for our students, support staff, teachers, administrators and us, his constituents.
The voters on Nov. 5 in the Newport District (largely Carrollton) will do well by themselves to elect Lawrence Rotruck to be their School Board member, always ready to get the job done to all’s benefit.
Herb De Groft

For Gillerlain And Edwards

Editor, Smithfield Times
Dick Grice and William McCarty should not be given another term. Dick Grice has time and again turned a deaf ear to citizens in support of special interests. He supported a zoning change in the Days Point community that could have brought a “zombie bar” to our neighborhood. Just months after that, he backed a special use permit application for the expansion of an already large event center. He and McCarty were the two votes in favor. The citizens of Days Point banded together. One hundred and fifty residents signed both petitions, filled multiple board meetings to overflowing and dozens more stood up and spoke their disapproval of both applications. Fortunately the majority of supervisors understood the value we placed on our way of life and rejected both applications. Mr. Grice emphasizes any business, any place, anytime regardless of the impact on the community.
Dick Grice and William McCarty have for all appearances teamed up to try and run the county. Ask yourselves, who are always in the news, who are always being quoted and who are constantly in the photo ops? McCarty portrays citizens fighting against change to the quality of your life as “not in my backyard” people. This is demeaning and condescending.
To my Carrollton friends, do you wish to become the Newport News of Isle of Wight? Do you love the increase in crime and congestion? We need two more supervisors who represent citizens, not developers and businesses who always blame us for standing in the way of so-called progress. Vote Gillerlain and Edwards Nov. 5
William Faulkner

Supporting her husband

Editor, Smithfield Times Having been married for 44 years to Richard Gillerlain, Board of Supervisors candidate from the Newport District, I could praise his virtues as husband, father, church member and good neighbor, but I think you’d rather know how he has served Isle of Wight, and why he is the best choice for Supervisor.
Rick recently completed a four-year term on the Isle of Wight Planning Commission. He approached the job with the same thoroughness he applies to everything. During this time he attended every meeting and visited the site of every project on the PC agenda. He applied the knowledge and experience gained from an engineering career that included the design and management of utilities, housing, solar arrays, and modifications to historic structures — projects with budgets ranging from thousands of dollars to over $100 million.
Rick believes the county is its people. Always ready to listen, he has helped individuals and citizen groups navigate the county planning system. His door-to-door campaign has allowed us to meet and speak with many residents, learning of their concerns and visions for the county. Now retired, he will give all the time necessary to his duties as a Supervisor.
His hands-on problem solving ability shone through when, during his PC tenure, our son suffered a spinal injury and was told he would not walk again. Rick took him to therapy sessions and worked with him at home, going so far as to duplicate the equipment used by the therapists. He even built parallel bars in our living room. Our son says he is walking today because of his dad’s efforts.
Rick will show the same dedication and determination to do his best for the people of Isle of Wight.
Vote for Richard L. Gillerlain on Nov. 5.
Gayle Gillerlain

Supporting Rotruck

Editor, Smithfield Times
I would like to start out by saying that I am voting for Rotruck in the School Board Race in the Newport District. He has a lot of integrity!! He will help the school board follow the law, and have checks and balances. Mrs. Hulick states the following: “We have submitted a budget with no increases to the taxpayers (flat) in the budget, as well, keeping insurance costs low or flat for our employees.” But facts supplied by the School Board approved budgets show increases of $736,000, 1,094,270 and this year $948,106 to the IOW taxpayers and a 28 percent increase to IOW employees insurance rates, according to Mrs. Trollinger the finance director, since Mrs. Hulick has been on the Board. Plus she wants to have taxing authority to put more of a financial strain on the IOW taxpayers.
The Smithfield Times article on Oct. 16, reported that Mr. Lawrence Rotruck wants to increase dual enrollment opportunities so students can earn an associate’s degree in high school. “Franklin, Southampton, Suffolk students earn associate’s degree annually, saving their parents thousands of dollars, but not Isle of Wight. For the last three years, $150,000 was budgeted for dual enrollment, but Mrs. Hulick spends funds for travel and training like Dr. Thornton’s out of county retreat instead of spending it on the students for dual enrollment credits, which is a travesty. Remember, that money spent on those classroom locking systems? What a waste of money to us the taxpayers. We still cannot use the locks.
Vicky Hulick likes to spend our money, but I need someone with some constraint. Lawrence Rotruck will be the change that we need. He will use conservative spending habits, and the money will go for our children! Vote the only responsible choice, Lawrence Rotruck for Newport District School Board.
Kimberly Winget