Letters to The Editor 12-04-19

Published 3:02 pm Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Editor, Smithfield Times,
Concerning South Harbor, the proposed affluent senior restricted development behind Bojangles and Carrollton Baptist Church: first, Weldon Cooper projects Isle of Wight will go from 7,900 to 11,300 seniors 65 and over by 2030, making senior developments necessary. More typically, a senior becoming less able would downsize from their home of many years, which may need a new roof, heating system, various repairs, also eliminating yard work. Hopefully, there would be additional money from the sale.
The close quarters of the new senior development would complement senior future needs for transportation, access to medical care and a need for each other. In the past, younger adults were more than six times the number of seniors 65 and older. In the near future, the figure may be less than two to one, making the neighborhood assistance of the past much harder to come by for seniors who have had fewer children. Many details like a no-step entrance and robots would also be part of this new life.
South Harbor, which could pay for school renovations, is really a senior project for Gatling Pointe and Founders Pointe seniors downsizing. However, there are serious concerns. For, all of phase two and parts of phase five have soil problems. Yemanee Fine Sandy Loam becomes plastic with low percentage moisture saturation. After, say, 20 years, foundations will sink and crack. The developer should proffer extra construction, like additional piers adding foundation cost, which have not been added in the past by contractors, or denied approval lest Isle of Wight become complicit in shoddy lot sales.
Second, the Bay Journal headlines, “Scientists raise alarm as North American bird populations plummet.” The most alarming decline is birds depending on marsh habitat. Down are thrushes, starlings, swallows, finches, larks, blackbirds, warblers and sparrows. Our Isle of Wight birds! Most down 33 to 50 percent. South Harbor will substantially degrade our birds’ nesting habitat. Unfortunately, South Harbor should be denied and rezoned RAC. We are neglecting our sensitive marshlands.
Thomas Finderson

Editor, Smithfield Times,
It is interesting that the Board of Supervisors did not like the public’s reaction to their plans for the South Harbor development. What did the supervisors expect the reaction to be as they propose a threat to our quality of life and the environment?
The supervisors do not want to accept the will of the people. We, the people, do not want more growth. We would prefer to pay higher taxes.
If you, the supervisors, do not like the public’s reaction to your thirst for urban sprawl, then please quit or resign. You must feel that your position strokes your ego since your campaign signs are everywhere at election time.
Grice says growth cannot be stopped. Wrong answer. Isle of Wight is closed. I voted for Grice a few weeks ago. What a fool I was.
I don’t want to hear any more weak arguments from East West Partners on how they will solve this growth problem by laying more asphalt for left turn lanes. This is the same greedy bunch who gave us Eagle Harbor, which is nothing to brag about. They cut down every tree they could find. Now, we have a commuting issue at the bridge. Route 17 is gridlock any time after 3 p.m.
Speaking of developments, in my opinion, Benn’s Grant is a perfect example of building on the smallest lot possible with the cheapest materials which code allows. This is truly ‘Vinyl-Siding City.’ Do we know how to say ‘ghetto’ in 10 years?
The quality of the Gatling Pointe community is the standard we are looking for when development is proposed. Nothing less. Greedy developers are the enemy here. To them, making the most money possible is all that matters. After they have ruined our county, they will slither away to some other location.
R.K. Redlin

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Editor, Smithfield Times,
A local newspaper editor referred to the citizens appearing at the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors as acting in “fear.” How wrong can one be! This is action by citizens to get in front of any General Assembly legislative action that may be attempted to “infringe” on citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights as set in “our” U.S. Constitution . In today’s crazy PC-world, better to be proactive than reactive, I’ve always thought.
As I’ve said, “…in 1776, American colonists (British subjects) stuck their fingers in King Georg III’s eyes and took up arms to create this constitutional republic.” Now we, in 2019, through this 2nd Amendment Sanctuary initiative, “we are symbolically sticking our fingers in Gov. Northam’s and the General Assembly members’ eyes,” who would think about taking legislative action to weaken citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights. Washington and Jefferson each had some very profound remarks about a well-armed citizenry for the survival of our USA and the 2nd Amendment, “When government takes away citizen’s right to bear arms, it becomes citizen’s duty to take away government’s right to govern.” TJ had words to this effect, ” the best deterrent against a tyrannical government is a well-armed citizenry”.
Jan. 20, 2020, a Monday, is “lobby day” at the General Assembly. I’m hoping so many citizens show up that it causes the ‘GenAssy’ building’s authorized capacity to be exceeded, resulting in the building shutting down. Wouldn’t that be a hoot! Meanwhile, we will continue to bring influence to bear on our Board of Supervisors to send this 2nd Amendment Sanctuary message from “our” Isle of Wight to Richmond.
Herb De Groft

Editor, Smithfield Times,
On behalf of Providential Credit Care Management Inc. (PCCMI) Board of Directors, and myself, we thank you and appreciate The Smithfield Times for your handling of our advertisement for our Veterans Day celebration, held on Nov. 10, 3-6 p.m. at the Smithfield Center. We truly appreciated seeing the historical picture of the African American female soldiers who were members of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Bn in WWII. PCCMI is also grateful for the hard work displayed by our caterer from the Smithfield High School Culinary Arts Class, under the leadership of Chef William Cousins. They did an excellent job preparing the food, so much so, that compliments about the delicious meal have not stopped. PCCMI also thank the wonderful job rendered by Smithfield JROTC in the posting of our flags, and assistance with the ushering of our guest to their seats, under the leadership of 1SG Marvin Hunter and Col. Peter Badoian. Our program was a success also because of the efforts and kindness of The Smithfield Times going beyond the call of duty to help us advertise our program. We thank you and appreciate your kindness.
Barbara P. Wiggins

Editor, Smithfield Times:
Re: “Grammar Police…” letter in last week’s Times.
OK, so who is this obnoxious, know-it-all, so-called “Jeffrey Stark” — if that is his real name — from “Grafton” — wherever the heck that is? It’s certainly not in Isle of Wight County!
Why does someone, who chooses not to live among us, presume to know more about English grammar than we do? Oh, the arrogance of pretended superiority! And, his pointed reference to all of us as “local yokels” reveals his disdain for us Southsiders!
Dear “Jeff” — mind your own business! You who live way over there on that over-crowded, over-built and over-developed Peninsula should spare us happy, rural Isle of Wighters your pompous opinions!
If you think you know more about English grammar than we do, then come move over here, live amongst us, and then maybe, just maybe, we may give some credence to your annoying letters!
PS: Jeff could possibly make up for some of his impudence by attending the Dec. 2 Carrollton Civic League meeting. We’ll see.
Albert Burckard