Letters to the editor 12-11-2019

Published 12:04 pm Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Slavery not significant in Va. past

Editor, Smithfield Times,

I am responding to the article, “Virginia’ Role in Thanksgiving.” I see nothing wrong with the role children play during the Thanksgiving holiday. When children cannot celebrate the holiday by wearing Pilgrim hats and reenacting colonists establishing themselves at Jamestown, then history was never established.

I see no need to delve down into some history that is not researched or learned among people who were taught the “Pilgrim” history. The more history is remade or audited, the less relevant real events will become. Incorporating religious events with history is irrevevant especially when Anglican and Protestant were the prominent religions upon establishing Virginia. I recommend when individuals have nothing to offer when trying to establish themselves in a community, that they find their history or beliefs elsewhere and settle there. Translating history into something palatable for one’s own goals will lead into a world of inconsistency.

Virginians can be “narrow-minded” and tend to accept history and religion as it was. Slavery is not a significant part of Virginia’s history and an individual would have to be aggressively searching for information tying slavery to Virginia. Watering down and reinterpreting history will provide more sanctuary states and immigration.

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Tamika Evans


Feels betrayed by government

Editor, Smithfield Times,

 I’ve been unhappy with my local government but never have I felt so disappointed or betrayed as I was at the Thursday’s Surry County Board of Supervisors meeting.

We expected the Board to pass a resolution declaring Surry to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary.  Instead, they pulled “Resolution 2019-38: Second Amendment Rights” out of the agenda, read it aloud and voted unanimously in favor. It is a watered down imitation of a resolution with no mention of a sanctuary.

Citizens were hoping to become a sanctuary county and have their gun rights preserved within the limits of the law. The people were astounded. I gave a copy of the resolution offered by the Virginia Citizens Defense League to my supervisor, along with the 2008 decision of the Supreme Court ruling that an individual has a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense. The Court concluded the Second Amendment establishes an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and hunting. This made no difference to the Surry Board.

During citizen comments more than 30 people respectfully voiced their opposition to the approved resolution. Almost every person respectfully asked the Board to reconsider and vote for the more comprehensive VCDL resolution, which states:

“Whereas, the Surry County Board of Supervisors wish to express opposition to any law that would unconstitutionally restrict the rights of the citizens of Surry County to keep and bear arms, and:

Whereas, the Surry County Board of Supervisors wishes to express its intent to stand as a sanctuary county for Second Amendment rights and to oppose, within the limits of the Constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia, any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such rights…

Perhaps “Sanctuary County” scared them but that definition says: “A Second Amendment Sanctuary County or city is any locality that says it will not enforce any unconstitutional (federal or state) gun laws. Law enforcement officers do not have to, and shouldn’t enforce any unconstitutional laws.”

Helen Eggleston  


Few are left

Editor, Smithfield Times,

In early 1996, the exact date eludes me, the Avondale shipyard, at which I was the yard manager, launched the PEARL HARBOR into the mighty Mississippi River.  In attendance were three bus loads of Pearl Harbor survivors and spouses.  It was obviously a special day and we worked hard to make it so for the survivors present.  We had an early morning breakfast in New Orleans, a motorcycle escorted ride to the yard, the ceremonies and back to the city for a seven course “Nawlins” luncheon for our guests.  There were many high-level political and Navy guests, including then Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Borda.  Needless to say, it was a great day for the yard, the city and the Navy.  I saw an article in the paper that there are only three living survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack.  How sad.  We are coming to the end of an era in history.  I recall how vibrant the survivors were, how many leis were being worn, how excited  they were in being recognized, how physically active they were in spite of a some canes and walkers. And now there are only three.  Time has marched on and taken its toll.  God bless them.

Edmund Moritmer
