Letters to The Editor 02-12-20

Published 9:42 pm Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Youth music competition

 Editor, Smithfield Times;

The Smithfield Lions Club announces its annual James A. Bland Memorial Music Scholarship contest to be held on Saturday, March 7, 2 p.m. at Hope Presbyterian Church, 13490 Benn’s Church Blvd. in Smithfield.  This is the first rung of an escalating series of contests (local, regional, district and state), sponsored by the Lions Clubs of Virginia, culminating in scholarships for music study.  This preliminary contest (local) is open to youth attending elementary, middle, junior or senior high school (or equivalent home-schooled level), who are residents of Virginia.

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 Participants may only enter one local contest.  For those advancing as far as the state finals, the Lions award scholarships of $2,500 – 1st place; $2,000 – 2nd place; $1,500 – 3rd place; and cash awards of $1,000 for 4th, 5th, and 6th places to vocal and instrumental finalists.  The state finals are held in conjunction with the Virginia Lions State Convention, this year in Chesapeake.  Interested instrumentalists and vocalists may obtain contest rules and applications from Lion Becky Richmond at Smithfield High School, Lion Katie Lemon (lemon2@hotmail.com) or Lion Tim Marinelli (smithfield.lions@verizon.net).  Deadline for submitting completed applications is February 29th.

 Finally, Bland competitions are free and open to the public—we invite everyone to come out to hear these gifted young musicians perform!

 Lion Tim Marinelli

Smithfield Lions


Shelter in good shape

Editor, Smithfield Times

After reading a recent newspaper article about the Surry County Animal Shelter, we decided to visit the shelter and see the improvements for ourselves.  It is obvious that the animals are being well loved and cared for as they react to Lisa, Emmy and Maria when they walk into the kennel area.  They make sure each animal has personal attention and lots of love.  Every dog and cat has its own bed in its crate, and is given a clean blanket daily.  Toys are provided, and the animals are walked and exercised daily. The facility is clean and recently painted.  There is a new shower area to bathe the animals.  We were very impressed with the dedication and professionalism of these three women.  It is reassuring to know that the shelter is providing the quality of care that these animals deserve.


Sue Gilbert and Louise Hansch



Neighbor problems

Editor, Smithfield Times

Apparently in Isle of Wight, rude neighbors dumping lawn debris and air gunning leaves on your lot has no local code repercussion. After a previous confrontation, I called and a diligent county inspector, who inspected two years ago, dutifully told him to stop.  However, recently I contacted codes about another belligerent  act of  dumping on my lot.   The response was, “it is a civil matter, post a no trespass sign and call the sheriff next time.”  In this age of massive agencies like the D.E.Q., E.P.A. wetlands and storm water rules, we wonder what are they for. Now I’ll find the sheriff’s number for my cell. 

Tom Allen




Vote Democratic

Editor, Smithfield Times;

The 2020 political campaign will possibly include accusations of socialism directed toward the Democratic Party which actually is confusing social programs with socialism. Yes, the Democratic Party cares about all of our citizens and believes in providing a social safety net to mitigate inequality but that is not socialism.

Government restriction of ownership is socialism and  the Democratic Party believes in a vibrant and fair free market with private ownership as its cornerstone which is the exact opposite of socialism.

Democrats also believe that social programs are required to facilitate the wellbeing of all of our citizens. To achieve that end it has created crucial programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and the Affordable Care Act.


Voting Democratic in 2020 will bring balance back to our country and will reinforce that our goals as a country are based on achieving fulfilled lives for all of our citizens.

Joe Puglisi
