Letters to The Editor 04-01-20

Published 8:56 pm Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Editor, Smithfield Times

Now that we are required to stay at home, it is a good time to reflect on our priorities in life.

One that I am working on is “How can I help preserve our wildlife?”  A good place to start is in our own yards. I am working on a developing wildlife habitat around our home. Eighteen years ago when I designed our yard I made the mistake of planting crape myrtles. I didn’t know then what I know now. Crape myrtles do not attract insects that the birds in our area need. They also have a mildew problem that requires chemical to control. It would be much smarter to have planted native trees such as the native dogwood, native redbud, white fringe tree, etc. If we plant natives we save money on fertilizer, insecticides and disease control as well as helping our birds, butterflies and bees. “Bringing Nature Home” by D.W. Tallamy is a good place to learn about the importance of going native.

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Diane Roselius
