Virtual job fair draws thousands

Published 4:11 pm Tuesday, August 4, 2020

More than 5,300 people participated in a first-of-its-kind statewide virtual hiring event on July 28.

According to the Virginia Employment Commission, more than 200 employers with immediate job vacancies took part. The employers represented a variety of industries, including public agencies and private corporations, made representatives available online to speak with applicants. The VEC said participation was so strong, the event was extended by an hour.

“Today’s turnout exceeded expectations and highlighted Virginia’s interest in returning to work,” said Dr. Robert M. Walker Jr., chief of veterans services in the VEC’s workforce services division. “We are thrilled with the response we’ve received from employers and job-seekers, and want to thank them and our partners at Premier Virtual for making this event a tremendous success.”

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The hiring event is part of the employment commission’s efforts to connect job seekers with hiring companies via digital platforms to maintain health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information on upcoming hiring events, visit