Many reasons to be thankful
Published 3:50 pm Tuesday, November 24, 2020
On Thursday, Americans will pause to count their blessings. For those of us at The Smithfield Times, our list could go on and on.
■ We’re thankful to live in a country where, even in the midst of a global pandemic and much related turmoil, there remains relative prosperity. Though we should never be comfortable with the level of poverty in this nation, even our poor – by comparison – are better off than the average family in most nations of the world.
■ We’re thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. We are free today to bow our heads in prayer to the Almighty. We are free to work where we want and live where we want. We are free to criticize our government without risk of being thrown into prison. We are free to publish this newspaper without government censorship.
■ We’re thankful for medical progress. Although the headlines are often full of warnings about health risks, Americans have never lived as long or as well. As a letter writer notes elsewhere in this edition, vaccines are just around the corner as the best hope yet of stamping out COVID-19.
■ We’re thankful that the opportunities in this country are boundless for people who study and work hard – and that ability still counts more than anything at school and in the workplace.
■ We’re thankful for family and friends, including those who have departed this life but enriched ours while they were here.
■ We’re thankful for our customers – you, our readers and our advertisers – without whom this newspaper and our livelihood would cease to exist.
■ We’re thankful for Smithfield, Isle of Wight County and Surry County and the privilege to call this community our home. We’re thankful for its people, its heritage, its vitality and its potential.
As we said, our list could go on and on.
How about yours?