Greatness must be protected

Published 5:39 pm Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I have been thinking about the aftermath of the attack on our Capitol and what it means for us as citizens of the United States.

First and foremost, it means recognizing what makes our country the best in the world and what we need to do to keep it that way.

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Our greatness is based on values, freedoms and democracy and we must protect each and every one of these attributes.

Values include the belief in the importance of helping others, including the giving of our own citizens’ lives as evidenced by the sacrifices of our military over the generations.

Freedoms include being able to speak and live and believe in any way that helps us to lead fulfilled lives.

Democracy is the most important since it ensures that we do not lose our values and freedoms to authoritarianism or dictatorship. It requires each one of us to be involved in the political process to prevent the illegal overthrow of our government; it necessitates knowing which political parties and which candidates are dedicated to protecting our democracy! Additionally, it can only be truly protected if every citizen eligible to vote does so.

The failed attempt to overthrow our government does not mean the threat is over, but instead it requires all of us to remain vigilant and proactive to protect what makes our country the best in the world.


Joe Puglisi
