Citizens treated ‘like pesky flies’

Published 6:25 pm Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Shame on the Smithfield Planning Commission for pushing forward a development that so many people are against. Shame on them for essentially telling so many people that their voices and inputs don’t matter.

Smithfield will not shrivel up and die because it doesn’t get one development. Even a lower number of units is excessive if you break it down. If, for example, you’re having 800 units done and you figure that each homeowner will have two vehicles, that’s 1,600 vehicles in addition to what we already have going down Nike Park and Battery Park roads.

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This is no different than pushing through the new East-West property behind Bojangles in Carrollton. Many people did not want it, but they were convinced by our representative to the Board of Supervisors that it was a “done deal” and that it would bring so much to our neck of the woods.

The only things it’s brought so far are slower traffic, eyesore equipment, sacrificed trees and cones where they cleared in Bartlett, and eventually, probably, accidents. People need to remember that when he runs for reelection.

I want to strongly suggest to the entire town council that they think very carefully about their decision. In their minds, since the planning commission approved it, it will probably be an automatic yes.

When you are making your decision, remember how many people were at the last meeting. Remember how many people were pretty much begging for you to not do it. Remember the signs on the side of the road that say no to Mallory-Scott.

Think of the faces that will probably be in the room when you make your vote. Then remember that those people might have voted for you and you might want their votes again if you want to run again.

Members of the town council and board of supervisors are unfortunately synonymous with swatting away the citizens like pesky flies in favor of doing what they want to do. They desperately want the path of least resistance so they can get what they want.

It’s high time that you think about the people who vote you into office. If you want people to think that you had a positive impact on the community, what you’re doing now is not the way to get it done.


Reid S. Lundie
