She supports Emily Brewer

Published 5:38 pm Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Concerning the House of Delegates election between Michael “Mike” Drewry and Emily Brewer, Emily has proven herself as our delegate in Richmond. However, Mr. Drewry has differing opinions on issues I cannot agree with.

Mr. Dick Grice’s letter to the editor in The Smithfield Times last week (“Drewry dodges abortion question” recounting Mr. Drewry’s responses to questions asked at the candidate forum at the Smithfield Center was troubling to say the least.

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I have heard from several others present that Mr. Drewry gave few definitive answers to any of the questions he was asked. His most frequent response to questions — that he would listen to the majority of his constituents — was disingenuous at best. The “constituents” who went out in the rain collecting signatures to get him elected the first time to the Board of Supervisors and supported him were dismayed when he proved himself to think and vote very differently from what he had led us to believe, leaving us feeling betrayed and angry. Regretfully, we don’t have a representative on the Surry Board of Supervisors and I don’t believe we will should he be elected as our district’s delegate.

Emily Brewer thinks and votes conservatively, and answers questions. She understands the excessive taxes, fees and regulations that are strangling Virginia’s economy. She is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, which hears all legislation relating to our state budget.

She is also a staunch defender of our Second Amendment rights, earning herself an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund for her support for your right to self-defense. She doesn’t need to consult her constituents for a consensus on every question; she knows what we believe and support and works diligently to support the same.

There is a candidate profile online (iVoterGuide, published by a Dallas-based coalition of Christian organizations) of Mr. Drewry and he either would not or could not answer 25 questions or even five qualifications about himself.

Last, but not least, Mr. Drewry has earned himself an “F” rating from the NRA Political Victory Fund. He employs a lot of doublespeak, so be very aware that he supports all of Gov. Northam’s gun ban agenda to leave you defenseless, including bans, confiscation and rationing of rights.


Helen Eggleston
