Unimpressed with Democrats

Published 5:37 pm Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I am on the legislative committees of two organizations. I know that while in control of Virginia government, Democrats have accomplished the following:

Raised the gas and other taxes; put in place a Parole Board that has been allowed to break the law and release hundreds of dangerous criminals, including a cop killer; abolished the death penalty, already resulting in a person who allegedly hired someone to kill his wife and her child to be set free because once that threat was removed his accomplice refused to testify; attempted by passing in the House and nearly getting through the Senate a bill that would have removed qualified immunity for police officers, which would have caused many to quit (Democrats vowed to try again in 2022); brought Critical Race Theory and Marxist social engineering into our schools; allowed riots and the destruction of historic monuments along with other property; passed firearms laws that only restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners (criminals do not obey laws); took away the requirement that you must prove with a photo ID who you are to vote; passed many laws that make law enforcement more difficult; and made it easier to operate unsafe vehicles on the highway by not allowing police to stop a vehicle unless the inspection sticker has been expired for more than four months, just to name a few of their major acomplishments.

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Thay have many proposed new changes I am aware of that are worse and more expensive than those already named, but there is not room here to list them all.

If you want Virginia to be California east, vote for Democrats. If you want Virginia to remain Virginia, vote for Republicans: governor, Glenn Younkin; lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears; attorney general, Jason Miyares; delegate, Emily Brewer; and school board, John Collick.


Volpe Boykin
