Letter – Remembering Lois Patten
Published 7:00 pm Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
The friends and Virginia family of Lois Elizabeth Patten sadly announce her passing on Aug. 25, 2021. Lois was a dedicated and much-loved retired teacher in Isle of Wight County Schools.
She served the community as a kindergarten teacher at Hardy Elementary and then Carrollton Elementary when it opened its doors as a new school. She loved her profession and the children who entered her doorway. She taught them the foundations of learning as they became lifelong learners and good citizens of the community.
As years went by, Lois was teaching students of parents who had also been in her classroom. Even after she retired, she always showed interest in the June Smithfield Times looking over the graduates for names of former students, the children in her care many years ago. She reflected on all her good memories of her students and the year they shared together in her classroom!
All who lovingly remember our friend Lois would be remiss if we did not acknowledge her passing as the new school year begins. It was always an exciting time for her with all the new possibilities to come.
Lois was a best friend to so many colleagues offering help, kindness, a warm smile and assistance to make them better teachers. She shared her sage advice on handling the “babies” that needed much love, patience and tender loving care. Each child received that from her and knew they were respected and loved from day one.
Lois has been missed terribly this past year and always will be by everyone who knew her. She made adults feel just like her students: very special indeed!
Rest in peace, dear friend, as you are remembered fondly with love.
Susan Mingee