Letter – Congressional hopefuls impress

Published 6:25 pm Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

As always, I find American politics fascinating.

With the midterm elections, we know the arguments. The Democrats are pushing the overturning of Roe versus Wade, while the Republicans are pushing back with the economy, border security and crime.

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It amazes me that Donald Trump is still a viable component of the Republican Party, but more than that, he is the party! His influence is a “mixed bag.” How can anyone still support the man and his lies? But there he is! Still turning out large rallies. Trump is dangerous and is poison to this country and our democracy, but yet, he may run again.

In our 2nd Congressional District, we have two viable candidates, both veterans and highly capable. I like them both, but Elaine Luria is the incumbent, and we know how that usually goes. I see Elaine winning in a tight race over Jen Kiggans.

I think the 2nd is blessed to have such wonderful candidates running. I live in the 4th Congressional District, where I see Donald McEachin soundly beating election denier Leon Benjamin. Nationally, it seems that Republicans will again control the House, and maybe the Senate, but polls can be misleading.

If the Republicans do gain control of Congress, then that means we are looking at two more years of political infighting and no meaningful legislation! That will be a big shame, because we have important issues to address.

So, I ask: Is our federal government broken? I want a Congress that will fight for me, fight for us, not just fight each other and the president!


Hunter Lackey
