What’s the Impact of the Internet of Things & How You Can Benefit from It as a Student

Published 10:45 am Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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The field of technology is constantly moving forward. There are many things that you use on a daily basis that wouldn’t even make sense a decade ago. Today, nobody would think twice about ordering food from their phone, booking a flight from their Apple watch, and many other things. Who knows what the future might hold for tech lovers?

The rise of mobile technology has opened up many opportunities for new internet applications. More and more people saw the convenience of having online access on different devices and not just on their phones and computers. Together with the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, a new wave of progress has been born, which is the internet of things.

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IoT is not necessarily new, but it has received a lot more recognition in the last couple of years. It also has been utilized in many areas, like healthcare, education, manufacturing, transportation, and others. Even when you go to the custom essay writing service, it most likely combines the features of IoT, AI, and expert work. This is why it’s so popular with students!

people sitting on chair in front of table

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/YloghyfD7e8 


So, would you like to know something more about the internet of things and its applications? Read on to learn about the impact of IoT in education and how students can benefit from it!

What Is IoT?

So let’s start with the basics here. A lot of people have trouble understanding the nature of this technology and what it means for the average user. The internet of things is a term that is used to describe a network of physical objects which are connected to each other and to the internet. These objects (things) usually have sensors, screens, and software.

Chances are that you have already used some of the IoT devices, you just didn’t know about them! Many kitchen appliances already have a built-in internet connection, like fridges. Some baby monitors and thermostats also can adjust their settings through online connections. These systems can also record information, store it, and export the data to other devices.

Here are some fields that can benefit the most from using the internet of things:

  • healthcare (patient data recovery, management, drug prescriptions);
  • manufacturing (production quality, transportation, resource allocation);
  • retail (data management, delivery, labor operations);
  • education (better communication, resource availability, student safety).

Benefits of Using IoT in Education

Now that you know more about the nature of this technology, you can fully appreciate it and use it as a student! In reality, both professors and learners can benefit from using modern technologies in their studying process. It will be much easier for everybody, especially for students who face the pressures of getting a degree on a daily basis!

Apart from personal usage, like your everyday Apple Watch and other things, the internet of things can be beneficial to everybody involved in the learning process!

Improved school management system.

You might not think about it, but managing a school requires a lot of time and effort! Learners won’t receive a quality education when things are not running smoothly. With the help of IoT, many problems can be resolved on campus, including a lot of paperwork, supply management, and financial funds allocation. All stakeholders are involved in this process with IoT!

Data collection from students and teachers.

School administration, professors, and undergraduates work with huge databases every day. The internet of things technology can help to process this data faster and in a more secure way, still allowing everyone to access it at any point in time without risks. This can be a game-changer in terms of tests, finals, grade systems, and work in the classroom in general.

Global network that is available at any moment.

Professionals from all over the world, as well as international learners, can exchange their insights, tips, and guidelines with the help of peer-to-peer training instruments. For some people, this is not a new technology because the younger generation is more connected with each other than before. Still, a quick official exchange of information is invaluable!

Better resource management.

This is a huge benefit for school administrations, which has a direct impact on the quality of education that they present to undergraduates. As a result, the college and university experiences will be better for everyone involved! For instance, campuses can allocate water and energy resources more effectively and will lesser expenses.

Improved safety on campus.

With the help of security applications, residents can feel safer while they are staying on college grounds. For example, the internet of things technologies is used in smoking sensors, video monitoring systems, and other things that help in increasing safety levels for everybody. Some colleges even release personalized apps that can send out alerts!

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/z8XO8BfqpYc 

Real-life examples of IoT technology in education

All this theoretical knowledge might be confusing for those who have never thought about using these technologies in their daily lives. In reality, many of the everyday objects in the educational sector are already connected to the global network, they are simply not marketed as a part of the internet of things field. Here are some examples that students most likely use already!

  • interactive screens. There can be a great addition to the classroom! There is no need to write on an old-fashioned blackboard when everything is interactive and responds to a simple touch.
  • webcams. Not only can they keep everybody safe, but also provide interactive tours and broadcast lectures to those who can’t attend them in person.
  • voice-to-text devices. Instead of writing everything down and missing some pieces of crucial information, learners can use this technology to automatically take notes during the lecture.
  • electronic bracelets. They are mostly used on campus to track attendance, progress, and the residents’ safety.
  • head sensors. This is especially useful for learners with disabilities. These sensors can monitor your emotional state, physical health, and general brain activity.
  • smart classrooms. This is a combination of all devices mentioned above. Some say that this can be the classroom of the future!


Now you know everything there is to learn about using the internet of things in the educational sector. The younger generation is usually more eager to adopt new technologies, so they don’t have so many challenges in their studies. There is no harm in wanting to focus on getting your diploma and getting all the help you can get!