Letter – Stand up for parental rights

Published 7:39 pm Monday, February 20, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

The idea of parents standing up for their children and wanting to have a large say in what is being taught to their children and what ideas are being given to them is still being debated. Why?

In 1984 a fellow teacher took two of my middle school students into the boys restroom and strip-searched them. He liked men and boys. They came into my class very upset. Upon hearing their story, I gave the class an assignment, then went and confronted this person in the hallway. I didn’t know that a locker could make such a loud noise when you toss a person into it.

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We had a very open and frank discussion with no injuries being given. When it was over I could barely walk back to my classroom because of all the students and teachers in the hall. For several days I got applause and thank you’s everywhere I went – even from the employers of my students when I made visits to coordinate their work performance.

Don’t do that today because you will be thrown in jail. Instead do these things:

  • Watch Grassroots Army on YouTube.
  • If there are any pornographic books in the school libraries, go to the sheriff and get warrants for the arrest of the School Board, superintendent, principal, assistants, librarian and any teacher assigning such books. Reason it is child abuse through the promotion of sexual acts on minors.
  • Stand on the corner of Main Street on Saturdays and Sundays, also on Routes 17, 10 and 460, with signs. 
  • Sunday mornings stand in front of churches with signs. 
  • Stand in front of the restaurants.

You will either stand up or you will be run over and your children and grandchildren will be indoctrinated into the new world order. As Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

No, I am not a gay or lesbian hater. Quite the opposite. I think all adults, 18 and over, have the right to do as they wish within the law. But don’t even try to push these ideas on children 17 and under. 

I was hall monitor when in college a gay friend came and asked to share my room. I said, “Yes, but respect me and I will respect you.” At the end of the semester he said thanks and so did I.


Nonnie Minga

Eure, North Carolina