Letter – School Board disappoints

Published 4:22 pm Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I am a retired educator in Isle of Wight County Schools and a taxpaying resident of Isle of Wight County for over 50 years. I am disappointed with the direction that the School Board is taking.

School Board members may not agree but need to learn to work together and compromise. One vote should not determine the policy that will affect the entire school system. Politics and personal ideology should not be involved in School Board decisions. A School Board member is an elected position and should represent all, not just people who think like you.

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Critical Race Theory is a policy that was designed to be taught in law schools, colleges and universities. It was never designed for public schools. CRT has never been a basic core curriculum in IWCS. Your personal thoughts should not be put into a policy for everyone. Keep politics out of the School Board meetings.

You cannot erase history. All of history needs to be taught. Some of the topics that should be included in American history are: 1. Civil War. 2. Slavery. 3. Civil Rights Movement. 4. Jim Crow. 5. KKK. 6. Holocaust and others. They should not be whitewashed. All students have a fundamental right to be taught the truth.

Politicians will say anything to be elected. The myths, lies and misinformation concerning CRT have taken a snowball effect. Do research and find out the truth before you join any movement.

There is one glimmer of hope. Gen-Z children are smart, technology-savvy and think for themselves. They will make up their own mind and not be brainwashed with lies.


Hazel C. Edwards
