17th Senate District Republican primary candidate profile: Hermie Sadler
Published 5:44 pm Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Hermie Sadler
A Republican primary is set for June 20 to decide the party’s nominee for the new 17th Senate District, which includes Isle of Wight, Southampton, Brunswick and Greenville counties, the cities of Suffolk, Franklin and Emporia, and parts of Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Dinwiddie County. Del. Emily Brewer, R-Isle of Wight, is vying for the nomination against Hermie Sadler of Emporia. The Smithfield Times asked 10 questions of each candidate.
Name: Hermie Sadler
Age: 54
Occupation: Co-owner and VP of Operations: Sadler Brothers Oil Co. Inc. and Slip-In Food Marts. Former NASCAR driver and analyst for Fox Sports
Prior elected offices held: None
1. Can you briefly summarize why you decided to run for the 17th District?
I am a businessman, sportsman, advocate, husband, and father – not a politician. I believe it will take no-nonsense outsiders with real-world business experience to get results and make good on our promises to hard-working Virginians. Establishment politicians are out of touch with the struggles of our families, business owners, and workers, and I am running to give those Virginians a seat at the table.
2. Who is your political role model? Why?
I have always been impressed by my good friend Senator Bill Stanley. He stands strong against the liberal left, and he fights to protect the Second Amendment, give parents the power over their children’s education, and backs the blue. In the Senate, I will also make these my priority. I have also always looked up to President Reagan for his leadership and strength.
3. What change, if any, to state law would you like to see in the wake of last year’s overturning of Roe v. Wade?
I am proudly pro-life, and I will never apologize for that. I will vote for any bill that protects life.
4. Should school personnel be required to use transgender students’ preferred names, pronouns and/or not reveal their gender identity to their parents? Why or why not?
The left’s determination to push their liberal, woke agenda on our kids is disgusting. Parents need to be informed and in charge of their children’s education, and I stand strongly against the “trans” movement indoctrinating and infiltrating our school system.
5. Do you agree with Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order banning “divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory” from public schools? Why or why not?
Critical Race Theory has no place in our schools. We should be teaching our students to be proud of who they are, to love their country, and to work hard for their dreams. I strongly agree with Governor Youngkin’s decision to ban CRT.
6. What more can Virginia do to prevent mass shootings?
We need to prioritize mental health in Virginia and ensure that those who need help can get it. We are failing to proactively address the widespread difficulties people are facing in access to mental health services and the stigma associated. People who need help should be able to get it, and those who are identified as threats to themselves and others should be able to get treatment and resources. Additionally, we must invest in resources like security guards for schools and other necessary security measures.
7. Should the state get involved in stemming or encouraging the proliferation of solar farms in rural counties?
I strongly believe in individuals having control over their own property, without unnecessary government interference, but we must do so while preserving one of our greatest resources in Virginia, which is our agricultural industry.
8. Should Isle of Wight County have the option of raising its local sales tax by 1% by voter referendum to fund school construction projects? Why or why not?
I strongly disagree with tax increases. I also believe in the power of the people. If the people of Isle of Wight County want the option to vote and decide to increase funding for education, they should absolutely have that opportunity. Local government over big government. We should let the people have their say and make decisions that impact their own area.
9. What is one issue where you disagree with your political party’s national stance?
Everyone in Washington gets caught up in big issues, and they forget about the basics. We need to focus on funding our cops and supporting our law enforcement. Parents need to have the final say in their children’s education, and we must protect our Second Amendment rights. It’s that simple.
10. How should retail marijuana sales be implemented, or should the 2021 legalization be overturned?
Retail marijuana legalization should not be allowed in Virginia. The consequences of widespread marijuana use are significant, and we cannot simply turn a blind eye to the problems it creates to our youth and communities.