Letter – Football field deserves better

Published 5:14 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I wanted to take a moment to inquire about the lack of facilities serving Field 6 (aka “The Football Field’) at the Luter Sports Complex.

Since Sept. 8, 2018, the student-athletes have called Field 6 home and since that time have had to rely on the portable toilets and program-provided tents/tables to serve not only our families but our visitors to the complex.

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There is only one portable toilet for anywhere between 20-80 people to use on game days. The only other facility on the property with indoor plumbing is a distance away on the other side of the park. 

The baseball field has items such as these, so why can’t the football field have them as well? While we have been told for years of plans and funds nothing has seemed to materialize.

I feel it’s well past time to prioritize Field 6 and have that area of the complex on par with the same offerings seen and utilized in the rear of the complex.


Johnnie Vonkuehlman
