Letter – Voters speak emphatically

Published 5:01 pm Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

In three elections over 2½ years the parents of children in Isle of Wight County Public Schools have made it very clear through their votes that they want their children educated with the basics to help them be productive citizens and not indoctrinated with anyone else’s social beliefs. 

Parents had clear choices in each election between far-left candidates and conservative candidates, all of whom made what they stood for and would do as members of the School Board very clear. Parents then made it very clear that they reserve the right to teach social standards to their children as they see fit. 

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They overwhelmingly rejected the teaching of Marxist ideology, Critical Race Theory, the untruths of the1619 Project and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. They rejected pornographic books being available in school libraries to underage students, boys playing on girls sports teams and using girls bathrooms and locker rooms. 

They rejected making hundreds feel uncomfortable to make a very few comfortable. They stated through their votes they want the public schools they pay for to teach what schools were originally designed to teach: academic subjects. They stated they believe in equality for all and that every student should reap the rewards of their own ability and hard work.

Congratulations to the three new conservative School Board members: Jason Maresh, Brandi Perkins and Mark Wooster. We must not forget member John Collick, who hung in there and suffered much adversity when he was the one on the 4-to-1 former liberal School Board. 

I only ask that these newly elected members always remember why they were elected and never waver from the beliefs of the citizens who voted for them. 


Volpe Boykin
